Week 3- Today I reduced the Prednisone down to 10 MG. This is a - TopicsExpress


Week 3- Today I reduced the Prednisone down to 10 MG. This is a huge accomplishment on its own because I have not been down to 10 MG in a very long time. After consulting with all the doctors and researching about prednisone online, I have gotten mixed opinions on my daily dosage of 20 MG. Some say that 20 MG isn’t too high of a dose and is not a reason for concern, and some have said that any dose of prednisone is deadly and I should try and get off of it ASAP. My doctor has told me that I am “steroid dependent” and cannot get off the prednisone for a very long time. He came to this conclusion because every time we bring the dose down to 5 MG, all my symptoms come back, which is why he told me to stay on 20 MG going forward. If this treatment in India goes as planned, then as soon as I get back I will tell him that I’m no longer taking prednisone, I am not “steroid dependent,” and get me off the other medication, which isn’t working. During yoga, the instructor and I were doing a forward bending pose and I looked at my toes and started laughing because I was reminded of a story. Tulsi told me once, “You are so hairy that even your toes are hairy.” I laughed so hard during the forward bending pose that I farted in front of the yoga instructor! My worst nightmare came true!!! Every Yoga session, I try my best to hold it in because I don’t want it to be awkward for the rest of my time here. Oh well, shit happens I guess. Next time I’ll just close my eyes during the forward bending pose. For dinner I was eating the usual Idli with sambar and I accidently ate a 3 inch long green chili pepper. I thought it was bell pepper or something so I thought nothing of it. But I put the green chili in my mouth, started to chew it and by the time I realized it was green chili, it was too late. I had already swallowed half of it and whatever was left in my mouth, I spit out. Anything too spicy for my stomach is extremely dangerous because it opens up all the ulcers in my stomach and immediately there is LOTS of bleeding. The next day I was in hell. I went to the bathroom 7 times and it was diarrhea each and every single time; the worst part was that there was blood in the stools. I was doing so well with the recovery and now this! I told the doctors the next day what had been going on and they agreed that it is the chili that is causing all these symptoms to come back and ensured me that the green chili incident wouldn’t happen again. The chef came into my room and I told him what happened and he apologized and told me he will check my food every time going forward. In America when I ate something spicy, I had diarrhea for a day or two and then it would stop, so I am hopeful that the diarrhea and blood spots are from this chili and that in 2 days my symptoms will go away. Let’s see what the next week holds for me! The other night I was sleeping and around 3 AM, it felt like something crawling on my leg; I was right, it was a cockroach. I jumped up and started to flail and pushed the cockroach off my leg onto the floor as fast as I could. Unfortunately, the light was off and I didn’t have my glasses on so I couldn’t see where the cockroach went. From 3 AM to around 5 AM I looked everywhere in my room for the cockroach trying to find it and kill it because I will not be able to sleep knowing the cockroach is still in the room. Finally I gave up and sat on a chair in the middle of the room with all the lights on until my treatment at 7 AM. I am not afraid of cockroaches, but I am not a fan of one crawling on my leg in the middle of the night and waking me up. When the doctors came into my room in the morning for the usual 30 second consultation, I told them about happened and they just laughed and said “it’s just a small cockroach.” I got mad and showed my frustration and told them to get me a roach killing spray ASAP or I will not be sleeping in this room anymore. One of the boys came into my room around 10 AM with the aerosol can and sprayed the entire room while looking for the roach. For the next 2 days the doctors came into my room and asked if I found any other critters in my room… this is not funny anymore. I woke up on the 4th day from the sighting and was sitting on the Mans Throne at 6 am in the morning and saw the roach crawling up the wall 4 feet from me in the bathroom. You Do Not Mess With Me In The Bathroom! I took off my slippers and smacked that roach off the wall and killed it. I didn’t pick it up, leaving it there for everyone to see that I managed to kill it all by myself and I will definitely be showing the doctors the critter I found. Ever since, I have been sleeping on the other bed in the room which I moved a foot away from the wall with new bed sheets every 3 days. I had a dream that I was sitting at Fillibertos eating a chicken chimichanga, (with extra green sauce) and when I woke up in the middle of the night, my mouth was literally watering. I fell back asleep and had another dream that I was eating my 4 favorite items off the menu at TACOBELL! This is a joke, 2 dreams of foods I can probably never eat again in the same night! When the doctors came into my room for consultation I asked them where the closest McDonalds is and if someone could take me there because I am craving the Maharaja Burger, equivalent to the Big Mac but vegetarian, in India. The doctors laughed and said no way and then said that this is a good sign of recovery because mentally I am getting better so I am starting to crave my favorite foods again. Well good, but I still want Tacobell. When I get back to America, I will be having a party at my house and the food items will be the same as the ones from the Tacobell menu but everything will be home-made. Make this happen people! I come back October 17th. I was watching tv at night and the movie ‘UP’ was playing on Star Movies. The boy came into my room at 830 PM to give me my night medicine and noticed something which made me laugh really hard. He looked at the tv and looked back at me and said, “Sir, same glasses.” I didn’t even realize but it looks like Mr. Fredrickson, the old man from the movie, and I have the same taste in prescription glasses haha I’m just glad he didn’t look at the fat kid and say, “sir… same” Hahaha Health Update- Feeling confident that coming to India was the right decision and that the cure is here. If nothing else works out and the bleeding doesn’t stop, at least my stomach muscles got stronger. I have more control over my bowl movements and can take a minute or two in the morning before having to go to the bathroom. In the past, as soon as I woke up, I have had to run to the bathroom. Hopefully the bleeding and the diarrhea stop from the chili in the next couple days and I am back to normal.
Posted on: Thu, 19 Sep 2013 15:37:34 +0000

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