Week 32 Callum quickly swung around drawing his bow looking - TopicsExpress


Week 32 Callum quickly swung around drawing his bow looking anxiously down the tunnel and warning the others of impending danger. Kelzeran stepped forwards into the passage readying his defence for whatever may appear. The others waited nervously as strange voices echoed down the passageway. Lucius decided to summon his wolf. The lights in the passageway started to dim with magic as the chanting down the passageway continues. Then out of the darkness came a burst of flame hitting Kelzeran searing his flesh. Moo Moo appeared and bounded down the passage however his bit proved to be ineffective against the daemonic looking troglodyte. Philgo moved forwards for a better view at what was happening in the tunnel but the darkness was too much for his light spell and his human eyes he could not see the combat ahead while behind the tank. Callum fired an arrow wounding the fire breathing one which retreated. Shani moved up with her bear and started attacking the Troglodyte but their blows were mostly ineffective, there mightiest blows only inflicting minimal damage. Kelzeran moved up and with a mighty swing calling his divine might he smite the fiend in half with his ancestral axe. Lucius also moved up and began to summon another creature. Callum went back to grab his mule which seemed either to be bravely undisturbed or just too stupid to understand the situation, it ate the small amount of feed he offered without and he decided to sneak back to the battle while trying to bring the mule along. He returned in time to see Lucius finish casting his Huge Fiendish Centipede which immediately proceeded to eat one of the remaining fiends, only the fire breathing one remained which let loose a fiery breath that burnt Shani terribly. Philgo cast healing to recover some of her wounds. The Final lizard drew a greatsword however it did not get to land a blow as Kelzeran and the Centipede finished him off swiftly. Callum managed to use his nimble fingers to remove several valuables from the bodies before the others had a chance to notice anything missing…apart from the greatsword which Kelzeran and Philgo could have sworn they saw in battle just seconds ago however it was nowhere to be found (unless you were Callum). The party ever hesitant on going down the sloping path towards the room with the emanating heat decided to backtrack to the tunnel that Shani tracked a large animal down. They travelled part way down the tunnel and heard a loud rumbling sound. Shani moved silently forwards to were a large bear was hibernating, fast asleep. Although she could not identify what kind of bear this was it was brown so she reported back to the group the brown bear of a large brown bear sleeping between more of those statues. Kelzeran curious clanged forwards to take another gander at the statues, similar to those they had come across before – malnourished people in tattered clothing cowering. They had been arranged around the room in such a way that they appeared to be cowering from the bear. Lucius pondered on this and then came to a realization that magic could be at play or some kind of magical beast. They decided not to awake the bear still fast asleep even with all the clanging and retreated back down the tunnel. Only one way left unexplored, the downward slope. Moving quickly back to the entrance where they had met the floating beasts, Callum advised the others to stay back as he scouted ahead. He searched the walls, he searched the floors, he checked above. He found no traps as the cave moved into a t junction, two ways leading back to where they had explored, one way ahead into a very large cave. Callum finding the area devoid of traps moved to the large cave to take notes, the others began to move up closer too. Then it sprung. A volley of arrows shot towards a large area of the cave, fortunately only Callum and Kelzeran were in the area at the time. Philgo noticing the wounded began to channel some healing, then again, then again. He was concerned as his divine channelling of these energies was usually much stronger had he possibly done something to anger his god? The party moved on forwards into the large cave. The room was heavy with a sulphurous smell and the area seemed filled with bubbling mud. Rocky areas jutted out of the mud, several of which were joined by a rope bridge. Callum being ever cautious decided to move ahead slowly. Not trusting the rope bridges he tied himself to one. He got across it safely and then decided to move to the next forgetting he had tethered his wrist to the bridge and he fell over. Kelzeran and Lucius communicated there support, yelling over the 30ft wide expanse. Then loud screeching was heard in the distance. The others decided to quickly travel across the bridge as quick as they could, except Philgo who stood his ground holding the mule by its reins. Kelzeran had only made it part way across the bridge when from the shadows came two large bats swooping towards the party. One tried to push Lucius into the lava who stood firmly and the other Kelzeran who ducked and weaved out of the way. The bats moved past and several of the party took swipes at the passing creatures who were turning around to make another attack when Shani stood looking menacingly at the bats staring wildly let loose a thunderous screech. The bats were stunned and flew away no longer interested in attacking the party who moved across the remaining rope bridges to the large ornate door on the far side. Callum checked for traps and found none. The party standing before the door took a deep breath and gathered themselves ready for what lay beyond. ENCOUNTER XP Level 5 Characters Troglodyte Half Fiends CR2 = 500x3 = 1500/5 (5 players) = 300xp Dire Bats, Advanced CR3 = 750x2 = 1500/5 (5 players) = 300xp Hail of Arrows Trap CR3 = 750 = 1500/5 (5 players) = 150xp Level 4 Characters Troglodyte Half Fiends CR2 = 600x3 = 1800/5 (5 players) = 360xp Dire Bats, Advanced CR3 = 800x2 = 1600/5 (5 players) = 320xp Hail of Arrows Trap CR3 = 800 = 1600/5 (5 players) = 160xp SESSION XP Callan 840 Lucius 750 Shani 840 Kelzeran Graniteshield 750 Philgo 840 TOTAL XP Callan 9360 Lucius 12476 Kelzeran Graniteshield 11730 Philgo 9798 Shani 10835 LEVEL UP Reminder DM is at work next week until 6:15 if all goes well I should be at RMIT by 7:15 and game going by 7:30.
Posted on: Thu, 21 Aug 2014 12:54:01 +0000

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