Week 8 Scripture and Prayer: August 16-22 WOW, we are already two - TopicsExpress


Week 8 Scripture and Prayer: August 16-22 WOW, we are already two months into this journey towards #REVIVAL. Thank you for continuing to pray and spread the word. DONT STOP. Like this page and share it with everyone you know. Take it to your church prayer ministry and link it to your email contacts. Send out texts to your friends and family in the faith. WE STILL HAVE 5 STATES WITHOUT A SINGLE PERSON PRAYING FOR REVIVAL in this movement. Lets get them covered in prayer now. Praise God that North Dakota, Idaho, and Utah are now a part of this journey. But we need more people, MORE CHURCHES, in every state! Go to the website and click the Praying Cities tab to see the entire list. restorationofournation/praying-cities.html SCRIPTURE: As a result of this many of His disciples withdrew and were not walking with Him anymore. So Jesus said to the twelve, “You do not want to go away also, do you?” Simon Peter answered Him, “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have words of eternal life. We have believed and have come to know that You are the Holy One of God.” John 6:66-69 THOUGHT: Prior to this verse, Jesus had just finished giving a difficult teaching to the crowd of Jewish disciples following Him. In it, Jesus told the crowd that His flesh was true food and His blood was true drink, and that unless you were willing to partake of Jesus in this way, you could not receive the Bread of Life and enter heaven. It is another outlandish claim by Jesus that He is the Messiah and that there is no other way to be saved except through Him. AS a result, many abandon Jesus, causing Him to question the commitment of the 12 Apostles. Simons response should be frequently heard upon the lips of the church today. Lord, to whom shall we go? You have words of eternal life. We have believed and have come to know that You are the Holy One of God.” The world is at constant war with the Word of God. The world calls the Word of God outdated, closed-minded, false, oppressive, and politically incorrect. Many seek to use modern thought and progressive liberalism to prove that todays knowledge has conquered Gods wisdom. And peer pressure abounds, surrounding the church with a spirit of acquiescence . We know that Gods Word contradicts the lies of this world on every page, yet we are tempted with compromising for the sake of ease, which we conveniently call being open-minded, as if that makes it more acceptable and holy in the eyes of God. Compromising the Word of the Lord is NEVER an option. It is in these pivotal moments when we would do well to follow Peters lead and say with confidence, LORD, you have the words of eternal life. Who, but you, should we go to for wisdom and truth? WE believe that you are who you claim to be, the Holy One of GOD! Regardless of the consequences in this life, a REVIVED Church will refuse to allow compromise of Gods teaching in their lives. Our nation is in the condition it is in today largely because we have allowed the doctrines of the world to infiltrate and influence our own beliefs. Rather than compromise his mission and his holiness, Jesus chose the way of the cross! What a powerful revival it would be if Gods church laid down their lives and chose the way of the cross everyday. PRAYER: Sovereign Lord, forgive us. We do not always honor your sacrifice. In fact, more often than not, we compromise your teachings, and then try to justify it. There is no justification for our luke-warm faith and lack of action in the shadow of a holy and righteous God. Lord, please convict our hearts and set them ablaze for your kingdom. We need to be zealous for the name of Jesus. Only He has the words of eternal life, the words that can ignite revival in your church. Father God, we beg you....bring REVIVAL in this land. In Jesus name, AMEN. I prayed for revival today! Did you? #REVIVAL!!! ALBERT
Posted on: Fri, 15 Aug 2014 21:45:33 +0000

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