Week ahead forecast - Settled! Its January so remember this is - TopicsExpress


Week ahead forecast - Settled! Its January so remember this is quite possibly as settled as we can really expect for January so make the most of the lighter winds and the sunshine when it comes. On this Sunday evening there a few showers mostly light in nature spreading there way South from the North. These are likely to be wintry in nature. There is still some very icy conditions around tonight. Not to the level to warrant a Met Office warning but something to be careful of. I will of course up date you if the situation changes. Monday Overnight Sunday Night into Monday we are likely to see some wintry showers around but for most it should be a fine and dry night. Under clearing skies we should see Temperatures drop and risk of some frost and Ice for the early morning. There is a chance of some and fog forming in places. Into the morning and its going to a mixture of sunshine and cloud. Its forecast to be a mostly dry morning there is a risk of some light showers but they should be very few and far between. We could even see some prolonged sunshine for a time. Into the afternoon and we will see some early afternoon sunshine however this will be replaced by cloud that will thicken into all parts. The risk of showers will increase in particular across the Southern half of the Western Isles. These will likely to be wintry in nature and could be quite heavy at times. The Northern Half will stay mainly fine and dry as we go overnight into Tuesday. Winds at times will struggle to make it past 10 mph. The strongest winds will be during the afternoon and evening when we will reach 20 to 30 mph. Temps will range from -3C to 4C so it going to be a chilly old day. Tuesday A more traditional January. A mostly overcast start to the night. Rain will start spreading into all parts as the night goes on. The rain will be heavy and intense at times. The rain during the day on Tuesday will be mostly light we will see at times some more heavy and intense bursts in between we will see some sunny spells. The rain will likely to be wintry at times. In between the rain in the some of the breaks in the cloud we will see some decent sunny spells. The rain will start to ease by the evening and as we move overnight into Wednesday. Winds will be from a Southerly and South Easterly direction around 20 to 30 mph gusting 40 mph. Winds by the end of the day winds will shift to come in from a South Westerly direction. It will start to become milder on Tuesday. Temps will range from 2C to 7C Wednesday A real North/ South Split. Overnight rain will spread across the Southern Half of the Western Isles. This will last into the morning and early part of the afternoon. Some of the rain will be heavy at times. In between we will still see some decent sunny spells. The Northern half will stay mostly fine and dry. Some sunny spells. A few showers will spread in as we push into the afternoon but they are expected to be mostly light. By the evening and overnight the rain is forecast to clear and we will see the clouds break to allow clear skies and risk of some frost and ice forming. Winds will be from a Easterly and South Easterly direction. Winds will be around 10 to 20 mph gusting 30 mph. Temperatures will range from 3C to 7C Thursday I will most likely curse this. But Thursday it looking like a being one hell of a day. Overnight Wednesday into Thursday we will see clear skies with a chance of some frost and ice forming. Into Thursday itself and if the cloud clears we should see some long and prolonged sunshine! The cloud will spread back in during the afternoon and evening a risk of some light showers but for most it should be a fine and dry end to the day. Winds will be from a Southerly and South Easterly direction. Around 10 to 20 mph stronger gusts reaching 30 mph. Temps will range from 2C to 7C Friday Friday at the moment is looking wet and windy to start to the day. Winds reaching 50 mph. Heavy rain is also forecast. Improving by the late afternoon and early evening. Winds will be from a Westerly and Southerly direction. A long way off as yet so plenty can change. Sunrise and Sunset Stornoway - 08:56 and 16:14 South Uist - 08:52 and 16:17
Posted on: Sun, 18 Jan 2015 21:32:19 +0000

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