Week in review... Most of you know that I am an eternal optimist, - TopicsExpress


Week in review... Most of you know that I am an eternal optimist, stuff happens - laugh about it and move on kind of person. This week has tried my patience and has about worn off the happy smile to the Im not really sure if thats a good smile or a you frighten me smile. TUESDAY Im driving home on that beautiful Tuesday afternoon from school with my drivers side windows down, enjoying the breeze, when I noticed the passenger window was down a bit. Hmmmm mustve hit the button when I did this window. I continue down Spring Ave. toward the Beltline, singing with the radio, enjoying the air...and the passenger window was down about halfway. Hmmm. Weird Once I stopped at the Beltline I realized that the window had a mind of its own and was slowing sinking into the door. Great. So I can Mom to tell her Ill be late because I need to go to Honda and get that checked out, and with all the airbag kerfuffle, I figured I have them check that, too. Well, sure enough, the mechanism motor was shot and, yes, I was in the recall for the airbag. I left my car and they took me home. It would take two days to get it fixed since it was after 3 and they dont order that late or whatever...and itll be about $375. ~sigh~ Im fortunate that I can drive Moms car to work. I thought I will need to get her car checked for the airbag recall as well. WEDNESDAY I drive to school in Moms car - has the nice audio link to the phone, hands free driving...COOL. I had been having a few glitches with it and had to reset the pairing of the phone with the car. Well, that afternoon I had an appt. for a mammogram, yes, I know, you wanted to know that, but its part of the flow -- go with it. Anyway, as a first, I was early to my appt. and found that the few minutes of quiet was a wonderful distraction from my day. I could look at email, play solitaire, whatever... but I had a few issues with the phone not wanting to go to sites. I assumed it was the hospital, brick walls, whatever, poor signal strength. The squishing went fine, thank you, and I headed home to Moms. The phone was not behaving as a hands free device with the car but I could play music from my phone. I know, earth shattering, but - it should work. So, I drive to Toyota and see if one of the sales guys can correct my ineptness with the set up. We tried for 20 minutes and it wasnt the car - (Nor does it need a new airbag) it must be my iphone. Well, what do you do when your phone isnt responding right or is acting up? You reboot. Rebooting, rebooting rebooting.....10 minutes passed and all I saw was the apple logo. Great. My phone has died. So, off I go to Verizon. The taloned lady there tried several things and in 40 minutes there still was just an apple. You should probably go to the Apple store. They can fix it or give you a replacement there. It would take a few days to get the replacement here. Ok. That sounds reasonable. So, I go and pick up Mom. Shes not been feeling that great and has been having trouble breathing/panicking. So, with a full tank we take off to Bridge Street. I had no idea that every loony and their brother would be on the road between the Racetrack and County Line Road. At least at County Line Road I had an inkling that there was some road construction. I saw no wrecks, only a few pulled over cars North and South bound, a shirtless gentlemen with two of HPDs finest sitting in the grass south of Greenbrier who had plummer butt when he decided that he should climb the fence and run from the PoPo. Darn. No camera. No phone. It took us an hour and a half to get from the Racetrack to Bridge Street. By then it was after 6pm. I find a parking space behind Belk - I had no idea there was one there, thats how long its been since Ive been there. I left Mom in the car running, gave her my ipad with a book to read and she had her phone. (Of course, she couldnt call me if she had a problem, now could she?!! Reference this later...) Off I go to Apple and its MOBBED. Great. I tell him my sob story and that my Mother in waiting in the car... Im next in line. WOOHOO! I go wait with a younger woman and her grandmother, who is on O2, and theyve driven from Hackleburg...and all that traffic. We commiserate for 45 as we wait. Im waiting behind the lady with the crying baby. The young woman that helped both me and the Hackleburg folks was great and thought at one point that there was some gradoo on some gizmo inside...might have to get a replacement, and, yes, the warranty has run out. It would be $270+...but let her try one more thing... have you backed up your phone? Well, thats a good darn question. (Heres where I am knowlegable to work the phone/ipad/laptop but not SO knowledgable that I know EVERYTHING THERE IS TO KNOW or how to use everything optimally) Pictures are streamed, addresses...I dont know. I just dont know. Heres my mind - My mother is in the car and I dont know how much longer the air will last, especially if she panics, neither of us have eaten and its - great, its after 7:30pm, Mom cant call me if theres a problem in the car because my phone doesnt work, I wont know what appt is next or what is due in my life because its on my phone. My phone my phone my phone. How in Gods name did we function without this insanity keeper??! No, its not over yet.... So, the Apple tech tries her last ditch effort - wipes the phone and reboots to icloud. Kaka. Good Kaka and bad Kaka... Good - its working. Bad - I cant even tell ALL that Ive lost (HERE IS WHERE YOU GO AND SYNC YOUR PHONE AND BACK IT UP) Well, the phone needs a charge, its dead, and we want to see if it acts up again... so youll need to wait a little more. Meanwhile the Hackleburg twins are still going at it with ATT and their phone... A woman comes up behind me and asks, Are you Linda Miller? Odd, I thought...totally random. Yes, I am. Well, theres a woman, your Mother? Out in the parking lot. She was hollering for help....been waiting an hour and a half...air...panic....My Mom was like that, too... Thank you so much! Gotta go!! So, I grab my limping phone and RUN to the car. She was in a panic. No one stopped but that one kind soul... Finally we drive home and by 8:45pm we are home and have a burger to eat. Her breathing has calmed down, she wasnt out of air. THURSDAY Its a long full day and Im still trying to figure out how to get my phone all synched with my laptop/icloud/and all the ships at sea. Honda calls to tell me my car is ready, Ill get it after rehearsals. I have them meet me at Moms and they take me back to get my car. $375... I make it back home and I need to go to the dreaded Walmart because we need dog food and Mom has a few things she needs. I get home to pick up the list and she needs a breathing treatment to calm her breathing. Ill be right back! And off I run! Right. Run to Walmart. I get most everything but eye drops, and make it home before 6pm. Im edgy. Im close to being in a snit. Right now I need a constant in my life that doesnt change. Everything changes, I know, but I need one constant, besides my dogs, that holds my life together... I apologize over dinner and we get into our routine. I found some success in synching my phone... But my last synch was -- Beauty and the Beast pics- 2013. Ok... better than nothing. FRIDAY I come home after school and take a nap. Mom, from the stress of the past few days and difficulty breathing, has slept most of the day. Our plan for Saturday was to get together with a couple of folks and have dinner -- something to look forward to! SATURDAY Dogs have their own alarm clocks and they dont care if its a weekend or week day. Listen to the Bladder. So, up at 5:30am, out with the dogs, back to bed. Up at 9!! Glorious Saturday!! Rested!! Made some coffee and checked some mail for the Create, Inspire, Teach! Exhibition. 10 am - I should probably get Mom up, do some breathing treatments...hopefully she will feel better today. I woke her and got her up. It was between pivoting into the transport chair from the bedside that it all went to Hell in a hand basket. Somehow the pivot/twirl became a stumble/fall for the BOTH of us. My fear of crushing her, with or without the transport chair, or the walker by her head, or the television table, or woofer on the floor, or the bedside and chair behind that... GOOD GOOGLIE MOOGLIES!! REALLY?! I get everything off of her and sit her up, inspect the head, hips, wiggle the toes, feel the ribs, move the arms - AAAAAA! Well, theres a problem. Theres a bump on her collar bone and theres not a bump on the left side. Call Hospice Call 911 for non-emergent care - in case its just a bump and not a break, the firemen can get her back in her chair better than I can. After they checked her out -- yeah, looks like a broken collar bone. Off we go via ambulance to Parkway and their fab ER staff and the ever so popular, Dr. Putman. The xray shows the break so she is now in a sling, back in her chair, and sleeping. That makes 3 things.... Im done. I am going to take a nap.
Posted on: Sat, 25 Oct 2014 21:33:50 +0000

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