Weekly Forecast Period – 01st September, 2013 to 7th September, - TopicsExpress


Weekly Forecast Period – 01st September, 2013 to 7th September, 2013 Aries (Mesh Rashi) – Beginning of the week will be pleasant and happy. You will feel energetic and will accomplish all tasks be it minor or major with charm. Next two days i.e. from Wednesday onwards you may encounter state of opposition due to adverse effects of moon, Venus, Mars, Saturn and Dragon Head. It may give you mental tension, unwanted long debate with family members, pressure to follow elders, theft at work place, dispute with labourers which may result into short fall in cash flow etc. This will cause you loss of mental peace and you may not be able to keep your calm. You may develop tendency of ignorance and may even refuse requests from your children as well. Do not lose heart! Next day you may find your works may take place and give you mental peace. Take care of your health. Specially, working women and new mothers may find work load. People who are related with politics may face unwanted activities from their hidden enemies but, they will not succeed in their motto. It will be difficult time for players as they would not be able to perform as they did earlier. New films of these natives will not do well on box office. Taurus (Vrishabh Rashi) – Accomplish all your important tasks in the beginning of the week itself as all the planets including moon are in support and will aid in completing the tasks. Due to heavy rains and flood like situations, business will get affected and there will be damage to your material due to rain. You would not be able to pay your dues in time to others due to sluggish business and may end up hearing unwanted comments from your business partners with whom you deal with. You may end up in unwanted discussion with ladies of house for excess expenses and demand of money to meet these expenses. You may be disturbed over issues like love affairs of children, disputes by children in college like fighting or ragging etc. You may also get disturbed over sad news from In-laws or your own side. Postpone new business plans for this week. Gemini (Mithun Rashi) – Other works will take place normally except business related tasks. There may be confusions in love relations. There may be news of breaking of engagement of family member. There may be problems on home front and separation news of close family member (elder brother) will be disturbing. Last days of week would be quite engaging. Family members will try to convince elder brother but, he will remain adamant on his decision. There may be fight in college or untoward incident with daughter in college, police action will be painful to you. Cancer (Kark Rashi) – Day will begin with a good note. You may get some good news. There may be good news about some important work given by you to your friend. Due to adverse effect of Moon you may face unwanted legwork, mental tension, quarrel with family members, family dispute, child getting hurt, sudden illness to elders, defect in generator set etc. Females will also not have good time and may end up in unwanted clashes with near and dear ones, neighborhood etc. You may get disturbed over sudden departmental enquiries if you are serving in administrative services, Police or Armed Services but will be able to manage with the help of politicians and seniors. You may have to undergo severe mental tension due to this. For students also this period may give bitter experience. Leo(Singh Rashi) – You will spend most of your time in social, religious activities. First 3 days of week business will be as usual. Chances of good contracts being awarded. You may get lost cheque which was misplaced by courier agency. Next two days i.e. 4th and 5th, due to fourth position of moon, you will be upset and feel un-relaxed. Unwanted issues may crop up from children’s side, vehicle meeting with accident, sudden illness of mother etc. 6th and 7th will be good for working people like transfer to desired place, receipt of long standing arrears, soft attitude by your senior officers, distribution of work will give you pleasure. Administrative officials may earn ire of seniors due to agitation or strike at work by workers or public by dealing directly with such incidents. Virgo (Kanya Rashi) – On 1st, you will have to work hard to achieve your target. Excess work load may be harmful for you. 2nd will be busy day resolving issues related to home front and you may have to repent for decisions taken is rash manner. 3rd Sep would be a busy day at work and you will not be able to pay attention to family. New contracts in work will be beneficial and avoid travelling for business as it will not be fruitful and will result into waste of expenses. On 4th you would be able to resolve sale and purchase related matter with family members. On 5th you would be hurt by unwanted comments from family members about female members. Take care of your health. 6th September would be good day for students and teachers will praise you. 7th will be good day for political people as they may be honoured by some social organization. Libra (Tula Rashi) – You may get success in the tasks initiated for financial gains. Do not take any rash decision in emotions. You are likely to get good news. New business avenues are on cards. On 4th Sep you will spend money on physical materials and will be praised by your family. If you are planning to tour abroad then, you may firm up your planning after due confirmation from various sources. 6th Sep may not be a good day for females specially working women as their senior may scold them in front of juniors opening and may complain to their seniors. 7th Sep would be a good day at home and you may also apologize to your mother for mis-understandings. Scorpio (Vrashchik Rashi) – Due to favourable moon and other planets positions you would feel better progress in business and finances. You may sell your old vehicle and purchase a new one. Females may have minor health issues. News of daughter being pregnant will make you happy. Your brother may ask for financial help in which you may not be able to help and will feel helpless. Transfer to desired place may not be possible for working women but, they may get their long standing arrears. People working in private sector may get new opportunities. Avoid air travel. Students will get new job opportunities but may lose if they continue to be in dilemma. Personnel in administrative and police services may get hurt on duty while dealing with crowd. Players may earn good name by performing well. Sagittarius (Dhanu Rashi) – Native of sports field may not get success due to unsatisfactory performance despite repeated attempts. However, if you opt for number 3 digit then, it may be good attempt. People in contract business to do work carefully as they might face various issues from labourers, officials, sub standard material in sampling, cancellation of contract etc. If you are doctor especially female doctors, heart specialist, gynecologist, you need to work carefully otherwise there may be a chance of patient getting out of hand and you may have to deal with their family members. You may also receive notice from hospital administration. For working people, news of promotion will be a good news but will not materialize this week. Capricorn (Makar Rashi) – Moon and other planets are in favour this week hence you need to complete your work on priority or else you will lose them if not acted in time. You will get good news and auspicious work at home will take place. People working in private sector will feel happy about increment. You may do good shopping by arrear money. Business deal done last month may create troubles for businessmen as you may see loses in executed contracts however, you may get some relief by some intervention by middle man. You may get good options for career but, do not take any final decision. There may be unwanted tension in married life. Aquarius (Kumbh Rashi) – Beginning of the week will be lazy. You may get some bad or unwanted news by phone. Due to arguments with father, you will be in confusion. Good news from children side will ease some of the mental tension. New vehicle purchase is on cards. You may end up in fighting with co-passenger while unwanted travelling and the purpose will be half achieved. Repeated expenses on repairing of household items will trouble you. You may spend money which was kept for specific purpose. This week will be combination of mixed results for females. Pieces (Meen Rashi) – Due to adverse effect of Moon, it is suggested that, you do work with utmost care specially while driving, be very careful and drive slowly. Do not lend your vehicle to anyone between 01 Sep to 3rd Sep. Avoid unwanted disputes with care and do not indulge in un-necessary arguments within family and outside family. Long outstanding matter related to house or tenant will trouble you. On 4th, 5th and 6th, you may get new license for new business. A long overdue outstation trip will be finalized which will result into happiness among family members but, on the last day of the week you may get news about loss of costly ornament of your wife which may result into hold on various decided programs.
Posted on: Fri, 06 Sep 2013 09:25:02 +0000

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