Weekly Forecast Period – 08th October, 2013 to 15th October, - TopicsExpress


Weekly Forecast Period – 08th October, 2013 to 15th October, 2013 Aries (Mesh Rashi) – First 3 days would not be comfortable. Despite several efforts you would get in to brawl with someone. Be careful while using staircase. You may be pulled into children fight and matter may also go to police station. Tight situation on monitory front. You will be upset on bouncing of your cheque given to someone. Someone senior may raise dispute on salary or leave job in your organization. Elder person in family may suffer due to illness and you will have to bear expenses on hospitalization. Ignorance towards female. Dispute between mother and wife. No success in daughter’s matrimonial matters or breakup in engagement will upset you. Casual attitude towards work for working female will cause problems. However, last couple of days will be better. Taurus (Vrishabh Rashi) – Second week of October will have mixed results. Untimely daily schedule will affect your health. Unwanted tension will prevail. Agitation in completing work be it small or big. Avoid disputes at home or office or with any visitor. It will harm you. Opportunities for new job offers will make you happy. Expenses are on cards. You may feel tight situation for funds. You may have to use your deposits to fund the education fee for children. Lot of leg work will make you tired. Expenses on vehicle maintenance will worry you. Parents may express desire to stay with your younger brother will surprise you and your spouse. Since Navratras are going on, leave unwanted works and concentrate on business to make profits. Gemini (Mithun Rashi) – Sudden jump in business activities will make people in automobiles, two wheelers, electronics items, gold, silver business will make good profits. People in other business areas will also feel relaxed due to good returns. You may have to go on travelling to purchase stocks for business but be careful while travelling as you may lose money, pick pocket or loss of item can happen. Films released despite having week stories will do better in business. Sport persons will gain form and regain entry after fitness test if they were injured. Cancer (Kark Rashi) – Beginning of week will not be comfortable due to moon’s position. Work done with casual attitude on 8th and 9th may cause you financial losses. You may not be able to manage business demands and will have frustration. If necessary then only make travel plan or else you may affect your business. Do not use other’s vehicle and be careful while driving your own vehicle. You will feel happy after purchasing jewelry for wife as desired by her. Good news are on cards. 10,11,12 are good for you and take important decisions on these days. On 13,14 & 15 be careful to avoid injuries. Working females need to take care. Chances of promotions are not on card this week. Leo(Singh Rashi) – First 2 days will be at ease. You will spend more time on business & may not be able to spend time with family due to which family will be unhappy. Index of share market may rise and will give you profit. But do not invest. Business travels will be fruitful but be careful for theft etc. Housewives may face health issues. People in print media or hotel will earn profit. Astrologers may earn good income. Virgo (Kanya Rashi) – 8,9,10 & 11 will be good for married person and relationship will be sweet and smooth. Your wife will be praised for organizing good family function and you will feel happy. Working people may get promoted and enquiry may go in your favour. Birth of girl child may upset many family members who were expecting a male child. New job offers but may not materialize due to salary negotiations. Do not be misled. You will be busy in religious functions and may have to help some family member financially. 13,14 & 15, chances of having dispute with elder brother. You may apologize after realizing your mistake. Take care while travelling. Libra (Tula Rashi) – This week transition of moon and favourable position of other planets may give you good financial gains but, you need to remain active. Enhancement in business responsibilities apart from good profit on 8th,9th & 10th. You may get good contract. Happy family life. You will be able to find solution for children. On 11th, there may be illness to some elder in family. Do not leave your work on others or else you will not be able to gain. 12th & 13th will be more beneficial and by meeting people you would see a clear progress in pending works. On 14th Oct, you may get good news about engagement of son or daughter. On 15th Oct, bouncing of cheque will bother you as party to whom the cheque was given may not be good and also may be your competitors. Scorpio (Vrashchik Rashi) – Due to adverse effect of moon, week would not be good. Be careful while going out. Some household item may become faulty. You would be worried about daughter getting harassed for dowry by in-laws and you may have to visit them. Do not bring your daughter to home or else it will be difficult for you. Slowly Moon will become favourable to you and various situations will improve. Females may have various health issues. Students will not be able to concentrate on studies. You may not succeed in competitive exams. People in politics not be argue with Government officials or else may be unwanted situation. Sagittarius (Dhanu Rashi) – First two days of week will be beneficial and you will be able to accomplish tasks. If you are in business of cloths then, be careful. You lose because of short circuit in electrical. You may also face search of income tax department. Adverse effect of moon will cause you fear and your own may deceive you. If you are travelling outside then, be careful as you may lose money or ticket or important papers. Pregnant ladies may face loss of pregnancy or delivery may take place with the help of operation. Progress on matrimonial front for children. If already engaged then, date fixation is likely for marriage. Capricorn (Makar Rashi) – Week is good and with little efforts you would be able to get good contracts. There may be problem at factory or work for bonus. Females will have better time. News of pregnancy or if already pregnant then, news of male child will make you happy. Working females may get promoted and transferred to desired place. People working in private sector may be sent abroad. People in administrative and police service need to be careful and need to maintain good relations with senior officers. People in politics need to be careful as chances of false allegations and dispute with party members. Aquarius (Kumbh Rashi) – You have been planning for a trip to abroad and chances are that, you may do so with your friend. Wife and children will be happy for this visit. Whereas your absence in big function at in-laws place will not be appreciated by them. You will be tensed as not able to pay money to someone, females not having good health, injury to children, loss of ornament and illness to daughter. Student will not be able to concentrate on studies. Gifting costly mobile phone to partner. Petty disputes will bother you. On hold renovation work may start and you will be able to amicably sort out contractor’s issue. Pieces (Meen Rashi) – Chances of sudden illness to parents and you may have to hospitalize them. Major expenses on this account. You may have to donate a good amount for religious function on advise of your father. Businessmen to keep their accounts maintained or else you may have to deal with unwarranted situations. Business will not be smooth. News of son getting engaged will make everyone happy. You may suddenly sell your old vehicle in mid of week. There would be sudden stop of incoming money. Tight situation financially. Long business travels will be beneficial. Children will be out of bad circle. Students will not be able to concentrate on studies and will remain busy in unwanted tasks like love affairs, passing time in canteen etc. Relief for working people but need to be careful in office and do not waste time while roaming places in office or else sudden inspection will cause you problems. Be careful at weekend or else you will have to bear the brunt.
Posted on: Wed, 09 Oct 2013 05:10:35 +0000

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