Weekly Horoscopes for Monday 10th November. Please feel FREE to - TopicsExpress


Weekly Horoscopes for Monday 10th November. Please feel FREE to SHARE? Aries You are in a period of transition and the Cosmos is asking for growth and change. Times like this can be disruptive, but we have to remember that our lives are a `work in progress` and we will sometimes be called upon to move on into something else. Often this is timely and secretly we just knew that things could not stay the same. But expected or not, to get the best out of this week you should embrace the challenge and take on the potential to get the most benefit. Taurus Things may have been quite exhausting of late and its about time Taureans were given a bit of a rest. But that will have to wait until next week as there is one more process to complete in the days ahead. It may involve a Significant Other or money, but essentially it is about pruning the rose bush so that new life can spring forth from it later. Something must be brought to a close, so that new growth is ensured in the future. Embrace this week with thoughtfulness and care. Gemini Your ruling planet has now moved back into a silent and brooding part of the sky where words arent easy to find. Its not that you cant think any more, its more that you cant describe your feelings. If there is one advantage to this, it is that you can explore the deeper realms of Life and consider the silent inner workings of the Cosmos without distraction. You may feel like you are deep sea diving in a raincoat, but the potential intensity can be mysteriously profound and revealing. Cancer Early in the week you encounter some pressure from a situation or Significant Other who seems to be overly concerned with mundane issues and lacking in concern for your feelings. Perhaps it is all about money, achievement or status instead of consideration for the people involved. You have some choice in the matter even though it may feel as if you dont. The pressure is strong, but later in the week youll be fighting back with sassy indignation, so dont worry too much. Leo There is a bitter sweet irony to something mid week, for you are both invigorated and stimulated, but also aware of how limited you feel, which means you cant take full advantage of the occasion. It is as if you have to remain invisible when you would rather be jumping around shouting Woohoo, look at me! Okay, even if you are in a slightly scary place, or you cant get all the credit you deserve, at least enjoy the flash of confidence in what may otherwise be challenging times. Virgo This week begs the question How do you feel about feelings? Well obviously, no one wants to be cured of them, but Virgoans can find themselves overwhelmed in the presence of too much emotion. This is because you like to think things through, going over and over different scenarios in your mind until you get to a workable solution to the daily puzzle. Emotions can clog this necessary process and already sensitive worry-mechanism. Okay, this is a `feeling` week, but hopefully gentle rather than overwhelming. Libra This is a challenging week as it looks as if your power is removed or you are stopped in your tracks by something. Your strength is being tested so that you can find a greater sense of purpose in the future. Only when something is threatened do we find out how much we need to identify and secure it. You may feel like withdrawing, but you will also have to `Man Up` and fight for whatever you want to keep, whilst recognising that some things have passed their sell-by date and need to go. Ultimately it is all for the better, so trust in the process. Scorpio Think back to when you last did some decorating. Isnt it strange that just painting or papering one room can result in such chaos everywhere else in the house? But then there is that magic moment when you have finished and suddenly everywhere looks so much better and you feel elated at the result. You might be in high speed chaos at the moment, but soon there will be a magic moment when the fog clears and you see an amazing result. Just hang on for dear life during this weeks high speed action. Sagittarius Any recent relationship encounter may have been pleasant but perhaps a little limiting? Your current need to be free means that Others can seem too controlling or manipulative. However, they are no match for you at the moment, so you should have gotten your own way somehow. This is true of this week also. There is opportunity for a `boost` of luck or success if you can sidestep its more controlling elements. Just take what you need and dont get drawn into subversive or envious situations. Capricorn Whilst the rest of the world free-falls into chaos this week, you could find yourself in a position of good fortune with regard to both money and love. The trick is to let it all happen, however much your natural caution wants to hit the brake. Yes, there may be chaos in your world too, but if you will allow all the change that the Cosmos wants to make, you could come out of things much the better. It would be best to ignore your gut instinct for control and let the situation overwhelm you. Just see what can happen when you just let it? Aquarius Timing is crucial this week for you dont want to show your hand too early. It would be better to wait until Wednesday before you take an action, because there is more information to come to you on Monday and Tuesday. Puzzled? Bide your time, because things may become clearer as the week unfolds. By mid-week you will be experiencing a strong need to DO something and may well take an action you didnt think you would, but it would be right to do so and relationships may actually improve as a result. Pisces Perhaps you had a rather testing time with a child or a parent this last weekend, but that should be behind you now. If you do feel the need to make things better somehow, there is a nice aspect for communication around Tuesday and this will give you a great opportunity to say what you didnt feel you could a few days before. You may also find that all your relationships are in a different place with a different perspective on things by then too. This is a crazy week for many, so be on hand with the tissues and tea!
Posted on: Sun, 09 Nov 2014 18:43:00 +0000

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