Weekly Thought for Shabbat: In this weeks Torah portion, - TopicsExpress


Weekly Thought for Shabbat: In this weeks Torah portion, Metzora, we continue to read about the disease of leprosy and it is concomitant rituals to heal from such an ailment. The rituals are varied and detailed and cause one to scratch their head as we wonder what it all means. How many of us light Shabbat candles on Friday evening? How many of us make or attend a Passover seder? How many of us have witnessed a Bar/Bat Mitzvah ceremony? Each of these rituals and so many more are the backbone of religious life. One cannot have only a theoretical religion; it must be based in action that brings meaning. In fact, from a Reform Jewish perspective all ritual ought to be a means to and not an end in and of itself. We would do well never to participate in rituals by rote, but rather using the ritual to elevate our lives. The first Reform Jewish platform of principles was written in 1885 and said the following, .(We ought to) maintain only such ceremonies as elevate and sanctify our lives Our approach to ritual can be rich, deep and extensive as long as it leads us to meaning. Choose a ritual this weekend. Understand its power. Do the ritual and draw significance from it. Suggestions: 1. Light Shabbat Candles and share the highlight of the week. 2. Recite Shema before bed and consider the difference you have made in the world. 3. Wake up Saturday and Sunday morning and give thanks to God for a new day so as to consider what goodness you will bring to the world each day. The possibilities are endless.
Posted on: Fri, 04 Apr 2014 23:33:53 +0000

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