Weekly Tip: Stop Using Excuses How many times a day do you use - TopicsExpress


Weekly Tip: Stop Using Excuses How many times a day do you use excuses to explain your behavior? Do you use excuses to communicate why you didnt get something done on time? Do you make excuses to yourself for why you havent started working out; why there is still junk food in your cupboard, or why you havent set aside quiet time for yourself yet? Maybe you use excuses that communicate and perpetrate the label youve adopted. If you listen to people (including yourself) talk throughout the day, youll hear a lot of excuses. You use them as justification to let yourself off the hook, whether its a deadline or stepping out of your comfort zone. Take a look at this list and see how many of these creep into your communication on a regular basis. • I cant afford it • Traffic was bad...(hence you were late) • It will be difficult • I just cant get up early -- or stay up late • It will take a long time • I dont know where to start • This is how I was wired, I cant help it • Im trying...(ringer for failure) • Its overwhelming • Im not smart enough On many occasions I see people using excuses with humor to brush things away. In Dr. Wayne Dyers book Excuses Begone, he points out that whenever you use an excuse you are living in the past, not the present. Hmm...worth thinking about for a minute. As Ive said many times in my speeches and coaching sessions, you always have a choice. And its the same with using excuses. You can choose to tell yourself over and over that you cant afford something or that losing weight will take a long time, or that youre too busy to take care of yourself. But guess what? You can choose to adopt and think another thought. Excuses are just thoughts you have in your head. The difference between one person who succeeds and another who is still trying is what they believe and what they continually tell themselves and say out loud. How do you know it will take long time to accomplish one of your goals? What if it only takes a short time? Which thought feels better and more empowering? Thinking that it will take a long time, or short time? In Excuses Begone, Dr. Dyer shares a process for reprogramming your excuses. A short and easy process to help you decide which thought you want to think. This is why Im the eternal optimist. Even if things dont work out exactly as Ive envisioned them, it feels much better to think and visualize the best outcome vs. focusing on all the reasons it wont work out. What labels are you wearing that youd like to remove? • Im overweight • I have an eating disorder • I learn slow • Im dyslexic • I have no energy • I cant sit still that long • Ill never make enough money to do what I want • I suck - everything I do fails • I dont have many friends because people dont like me The list of excuses people wear is endless. What if you spin it around? • Im healthy and love my body • I enjoy my life and deal with situations proactively • I learn quickly • I am energetic • I enjoy reading • I can focus deeply to accomplish what I need to do • I have a positive cash flow and money in the bank • I learn by doing - I have a list of successes • I have a wonderful circle of friends who support me Now which thought feels better to you? Its simple, but people often make it difficult because they dont believe it can be that easy. Are you ready to change your thoughts, to eliminate excuses, live in the present and live the life you want to live? Schedule an appointment today. Coach@Learn2Balance or 720-346-4640.
Posted on: Mon, 20 Oct 2014 16:54:19 +0000

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