Weight Loss 101: The easy weight to get back to your ideal body - TopicsExpress


Weight Loss 101: The easy weight to get back to your ideal body weight in 2015... *Originally posted at Personal Best Nutrition Whether your an athlete or a couch potato, most of us have gained a few LBS over the holidays & now we need to take it off. Many of us have already reviewed dozens of dietary programs, all guaranteed to take off the pounds. Unfortunately, most of these plans over-complicate what is a VERY simple process, but….Im going to outline an extremely simple, yet 99.9% effective weight loss program, that WILL work. The key part is you actually need to follow it. So here it is, in 5-steps: 1. CARBS: The vast majority of your carbohydrates should come from fruits & vegetables (ideally as close to 100% of your carb choices should be in this form). & guess what? You can have as many as you like! WHAT?!? How can that be…I can have as much as I want? Yes…you can have as many fruits & vegetables as you like. For example, lets say its 3 in the afternoon, youre sitting at your desk & have the munchies. Eat an apple. Still hungry? Eat some blueberries. Still hungry? Have some grapes,..etc etc etc… This does NOT say, have blueberry yogurt or a banana nut granola bar…eat FRUITS AND VEGETABLES that look like they did when they came off the tree or out of the ground. The fact of the matter is, no one in history got fat because they ate too much fruit. 2. PROTEINS/FATS: Your meals should be revolved around a protein. Youre heading to 5-Guys Burgers & Fries for lunch, so what do you do? You have a burger with onions, lettuce, tomato, a pickle with a little blob of ketchup & a glass of water. The. End. When youre planning your meals, focus on the protein source first (ie fish, chicken, steak, etc…) & your carbs around that. Ideally you should be getting in upwards of 30% of your daily caloric intake, in the form of protein. Still hungry? See rule #1. 3. DONT DRINK YOUR CALORIES: The amount of calories coming from liquids should not exceed 5% & ideally, get as close to 0% as possible. I know some of you couldnt live without your daily hit of coffee with a little sweetener/cream, so Im giving you a bit of latitude from the 0% liquid calorie rule. But Brian…what if I have a swim workout in the morning, shouldnt I have some Gatorade beforehand? Unless youre going to be in the water for more than 4km, drink water. 3A: The caveat to this rule: Liquid calories can account for a higher % of your intake if a meal is being replaced with a smoothie. 4. GIVE ME 3%! EXERCISE…REGULARLY I know..I know, you dont have time to exercise. Right? If you want to sell that line to your friends and family, great…but PLEASE dont give me that line of bull _ _ _ _ ;-) You dont have to train for a marathon or revolve your life around a ridiculously time-intensive program, but youve got to exercise AT LEAST 5-hours per week. There are 168-hours in the week & I want you to use 5 (FIVE!!!) of them to exercise which is about 3% of the week. What does that look like each day? Roughly 43-minutes per day…again, there are over 1,400 minutes in the day – use 43 of them to get off your butt for a little while. 5. CHEAT…A LITTLE Give yourself an afternoon/evening every week, to cheat. I generally recommend a weekend afternoon/evening to cheat…have some ice cream, or cookies or a pound of pasta, etc… But just once (ONCE!!!) each week. If youre following Steps 1-4 as closely as possible, cheating for a few hours each week is not going to sabotage 6.5-days of living a healthy lifestyle. Thats it. Well it cant be that simple…yes, it actually is that simple. Best of luck & please let me know if you have any questions!! Brian Shea Head Coach - Jersey Girl Triathlon
Posted on: Mon, 05 Jan 2015 18:18:19 +0000

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