Weight Loss Tips and Tricks By Paige Waehner If you spend any - TopicsExpress


Weight Loss Tips and Tricks By Paige Waehner If you spend any kind of time managing your weight, you probably have a variety of tricks for keeping the extra pounds away...always taking the stairs, parking far away, only licking the icing and never eating the cookie and only eating chocolate while standing up....because, you know, standing up while eating doesnt count. Right? Just nod your head. Some of our ideas may be a little kookie, but there are some tried and true methods for staying on track and, adding just one of these tools to your arsenal can make a difference: •Keeping a food diary: Lots of people skip this step, but I cant stress how powerful this tool can be. Even the healthiest person probably eats more than he or she realizes and writing things down can give you a reality check while keeping you on track. •Figure out how many calories you need: We cant always get an exact number for how many calories we need each day, but our Nutrition Guide, Shereen has done an excellent job of getting you as close as possible with her womens calorie calculator and her mens calorie calculator. Take those numbers as a guideline and adjust those calories as needed to fit your personal needs. •Activity Calculator: You know that losing weight is about calories in/calories out. Knowing how many calories youre burning with your workouts can ensure youre doing all you can to burn more than you eat. You can also get an idea of which activities burn more calories than others so you can incorporate some variety into your workouts. Like a calorie calculator, these are never 100% accurate, so keep that in mind as youre calculating your calories. •Self-monitoring: You dont necessarily want to sit around and naval- gaze about everything you eat or drink or meditate on how your pants fit each day. But it does make sense to monitor yourself on a regular basis and, if you find the weight creeping up, you can do something about it before it gets out of hand. One way to track your progress is to take your measurements every 4 weeks or so to see if youre losing inches. Its usually a better way to track progress than the scale. What tips and tricks do you use to keep your weight in check? Leave a comment and tell us about it.
Posted on: Fri, 16 May 2014 15:21:22 +0000

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