Weight loss with Triphala Most weight-loss programs focus on - TopicsExpress


Weight loss with Triphala Most weight-loss programs focus on calories and dietary fat, eating less food and doing more exercise. What if there was a different way to lose weight with triphala? Modern processed foods are often difficult to digest properly and can sometimes become stuck within the digestive system as compacted waste matter, trapped in the folds of the lower intestine. This compacted waste is also a prime breeding ground for parasites (which is a whole other health issue) and can be the pathway for toxins entering your bloodstream. Of course this is not a very pleasant topic, but it is an important one if you’re interested in weight loss and good health in general. A poorly functioning digestive system means you’re unlikely to be getting much nutrition from the food you eat. This tends to stimulate hunger, leading to weight gain, as well as general tiredness and the feeling of being run down. Triphala as an Internal Cleanser Triphala is an ancient Ayurvedic preparation of three dried fruits – amalaki, bibhitaki and haritaki – with incredible body cleansing and rejuvenating properties. Taken in a certain way and at a certain time, triphala is a highly effective digestive system cleanser, gently clearing away trapped waste products and toxic compounds. Importantly, triphala doesn’t just clear out your system, it also nourishes and rejuvenates the membrane lining of the gastrointestinal tract. Triphala has many other beneficial effects on your body, including cleansing the liver and kidneys and purifying the . For this page, let’s focus on using it to lose weight. How to Use Triphala for Weight Loss Practitioners of Ayurveda recommend taking triphala churna in water as a tea. They believe it is important to taste the mixture to get its full benefits and start off the positive effect it has on your digestive process. To be honest, the tea doesn’t taste that great when you first start. But if losing weight is important to you, can you handle downing something that isn’t saturated in fattening sugar? Interestingly, after a while it seems to lose its bitterness and becomes much more palatable. Perhaps this is due to the balance of tastes said to be present in triphala. According to Ayurvedic theory, we taste what we most need when we are out of balance. If you think the taste could stop you using it regularly then triphala capsules are available and admittedly more convenient than the powder. If you’re making the tea, start off by adding a relatively level teaspoon of high quality triphala powder like this to a cup of hot but not quite boiling water (turn off the kettle before it boils or use hot water from the tap). Don’t add any sugar or honey. Stir it up well then let it sit for at least twenty minutes, preferably an hour or more to let the beneficial compounds really infuse into the water. When you have it there’s no need to sip it. Drink it straight down and you won’t taste it that much. You can drink this triphala tea both before bed, well after you have finished dinner, and again first thing in the morning, at least half an hour before breakfast. For a more advanced way to make it see the page on how to take triphala for digestive health. It’s best to wait until you’ve been to the bathroom before having breakfast when taking triphala in the mornings. This shouldn’t be a problem if you had it before going to bed. Triphala churna also tends to stimulate the urge quite quickly when taken in the morning as well. If you know you have to eat and be out the front door quickly then having the triphala weight loss tea only before bed may be more preferable. Most people who start an effective cleanse using triphala drop a few pounds quite quickly, just from the amount of crap they are clearing out of their system. That’s a good start, but longer-term an properly functioning digestive system means your body is getting the nutrients it needs more easily, so it doesn’t tend to stimulate hunger as much. If your body has poor digestion and assimilation, you may eat a lot of food but not get the important minerals, vitamins and other nutrients you need. Your body knows it requires these substances to operate effectively and stimulates more hunger in an attempt to get them. This doesn’t change the fact that you’re not absorbing the nutrients you need (or parasites are taking them before you get the chance). But you end up eating more food anyway, usually high carbohydrate processed foods. These simple carbohydrates are absorbed very quickly and unfortunately are very easily converted to and stored as body fat. Using triphala regularly can help break the weight gain cycle by getting your digestive system working again to absorb the nutrition you need, and thus reducing the amount of hunger you feel due to a lack of nutrition. At the same time, it’s very important to support it with plenty of vegetables, greens, berries, nuts, seeds and slow digesting fruits, along with healthy protein sources. The majority of people find that once their digestive systems are working again and they are eating predominantly healthy food, the hunger and cravings they used to have disappear. No counting calories. No starving yourself. Neither of these work long-term. Exercise is important, particularly first thing before breakfast if you really want to maximize the fat burning potential. But ultimately, effective digestion, assimilation and elimination are the vital first steps to long-term weight loss. And cleansing to lose weight with triphala churna has to be one of the simplest and best way to get that started. Unlike the myriad of fat burning products out there, triphala is completely natural and relatively inexpensive.
Posted on: Sun, 20 Jul 2014 08:14:17 +0000

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