Welcome Queen Elizabeth! What a surreal experience I had - TopicsExpress


Welcome Queen Elizabeth! What a surreal experience I had today. I first thank and praise God for arriving safely to my destination. I was feeling a little anxious about traveling alone. One thing about being married and having children for so long somewhere along the lines subconsciously being able to just think about self gets difficult. As I packed I found a lot of room left in the luggage. It’s just me so all of the just in case ideas were out the window. I sat in the Augusta airport still a little anxious. With having minor children you never want anything to happen to you before they’re self-sufficient and of age and even then you believe they’ll always need you in some capacity. No offense to no one, but I’m bias in that I am one of those mother’s that believe aside from God no one is going to love and care for my children the way that I do. I knew them from their time of conception and their personalities before they were born. I know how I carried them, what emotions and spirits I transferred to them and my prayers for them while they were still in my womb. Then I saw a texted prayer from one of my prayer partners that reminded me I’m not alone on this flight. When we arrived safely to our lay over, one of the first and one of few signs that caught my eye “Queen City News and Gifts” Who told them I was coming. :) As I calmly brisk walked through the airport it finally hit me I had no strollers, kids, excess bags, etc. and could slow my stride just bit because I ultimately felt like I was a participant in the 1600m event from my initial concourse to the next. The last time I can remember flying alone this far was my first traditional semester of college headed home for Christmas break. I think I overlooked a lot when traveling with an entourage. They’re were persons riding on carts for those who needed physical assistance. Then there were the teens flying alone, young moms trying to balance baby, stroller, purse, bags, food, etc., one young ladies stroller tipped over while she was holding the baby trying to pick up bags. I picked it up for her and kept it moving. Then the business persons conducting transactions in between flights, persons stopping for food, making restroom stops, and I finally made it to my concourse just in time for boarding. Didn’t have as much time as I thought. Lol. A lot has changed since the last time I flew even with the kids about 5 years ago. You can keep your cell phones on now and put them in airplane mode. You can even “buy” wifi while in flight. On our first flight the captain was a woman and the flight attendant was a man??? Definitely a sign of the times. This is where my hypocrisy kicked in, and I had to repent. :) As we were loading I saw several persons with lap children and the thought did cross my mind I hope they’re not sitting behind me or in the middle. I’ve been there done that, lol. Just when I’ve acclimated to idea of traveling alone. I did have two babies under 2 years old across from me. I was sitting in the left aisle seat after a couple asked me to switch aisles so he and his wife could sit together. No problems here. I used to be the one asking people to shift to accommodate our young family. They sat on my right side of the plane and the other baby in front of them. I think both babies felt the effects of the elevation change at the same time. One soon fell asleep but the other young mom must not have been taught to give the baby motrin or something before the flight because he screamed for at least 30 mins while she sat in the middle of an elderly air force veteran who seemed to have fought in the 1st war on her left and someone who could have been the babies great-great grandmother on her right trying what she knew to try with every rejection from the baby…those of you that know me know what happened next… couldn’t help it. I asked her for the baby and he immediately stopped crying. For a moment it seemed like a scene from the “The Help” as there were only a few of us with these great tans on the flight. I told her nicely he feels your stress and I’m a mother of 3. I’ve learned and still learning even as my children have gotten older that even after they cut the umbilical cord, children still feel the stress or joys of their mother’s spirit. I believe it’s their stabilizer or a major source of their dysfunctions if there be any. We played wiggle my toes and peek a boo with his little Sperry’s for about 15 minutes to give mom a moment to calm down…I gave him back and unfortunately after about 5 minutes he started again. I didn’t want to get him again because the first time she looked embarrassed and hurt but when she got up and took him to the bathroom I started praying. Fortunately she came right back in less than 5 minutes yet the crying continued. I started typing on my lap top to share the moment with each of you and to keep myself from getting him back. As I’m typing I’m praying Lord calm the mom so the baby would calm down and just as I am finishing this sentence he is calmly laying on his mom’s chest. I truly believe God allows us to go through things so that we are able to be a blessing to somebody else. I’m also a believer in helping by modeling and not enable and I know intercessory prayer works. And so of course I asked mom to take a pic of me and my new buddy Christopher to share the moment with each of you. Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by so doing some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it. Hebrews 13:2
Posted on: Wed, 06 Aug 2014 00:10:19 +0000

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