Welcome everyone... again!... to The Undercards coverage of WWE - TopicsExpress


Welcome everyone... again!... to The Undercards coverage of WWE SummerSlam! It opens with an impressive Grindhouse parody hype video. Its pretty cool... except for the music. The music is awful and doesnt fit at all. The show starts with... The Miz - WWE Universe (c) Vs. Dolph Ziggler - WWE Universe for the Intercontinental Championship The regular announce team is joined by the Spanish announce team AND the German announce team. There are FOUR German announcers. FOUR. The match starts with some back and forth, with no man getting the advantage. The Miz starts gaining some momentum though. Miz comes off the top rope for a double axe handle, but Dolph nails Miz in the gut with a punch. Dolph delivers a few clotheslines, a splash and a neckbreaker to the Miz. He goes for the win, but Miz kicks out at 2. Miz tries to get back in control and he gets nailed with a superkick. Extremely-close-to-winning near fall. The Miz attempts to leave, but Dolph hits him with a baseball slide and stops Miz. Soon though, Miz gets Ziggler in a Figure Four Leglock. After a minute or so of pain for Ziggy, he gets to the ropes. Ziggler tries to go for the Fameasser, but Miz counters and hits him with the Skull Crushing Finale. ZIGGLER KICKS OUT! The two competitors get back on their feet. Zig-Zag! Ziggler goes for the pin! 1... 2... Ziggler wins! Ziggler wins!... the Intercontinental Championship.
Posted on: Mon, 18 Aug 2014 00:21:45 +0000

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