Welcome new member Tom Airey, theological journalist at Bartimaeus - TopicsExpress


Welcome new member Tom Airey, theological journalist at Bartimaeus Cooperative Ministries (CA), with an MA in Anabaptist Theology from Fuller Theological Seminary. Ive invited Tom to share some of his writing talent here to help involve those of our group who have been so quiet as WADR members. I met Tom through a discussion on my friend Nick Petersons page. Nick had posed a wonderful question, What would an Emancipation Proclamation look like if it were to free racists from their racism?.... There were a range of superb responses, including Toms (excerpted): ...If the issue is only framed as what liberation can do for people of color, then white people can continue to claim their homes as racist-free zones, oblivious to just how oppressed they are by their own ingrained racism. But white folks are addicted to the white supremacy condoned in the US Constitution by its silence on race. Thats why we white folks need a 12-step style personal inventory model. 1st step: admitting that we are powerless to American white supremacy and racism that has haunted and oppressed everyone for the past 500 years. Steps 2-12: committing to the process of the hard work.... Excerpts from his recent blog entry: Last week, an old friend checked in on me. He’s a kind-hearted, hard-working and sincere follower of Jesus. He sent me a series of texts in light of the Ferguson decision and in response to what I have written about it. .....His texts discouraged me, mostly because his mindset mirrors the vast landscape of white suburban & rural America.....This is a watershed moment for white people. Those who have the same skin color as me have vital, historic choices to make.... Now is the time to take personal inventory of just how much structural racism has plagued us white folks with the disease of denial, entitlement and privilege, stripping us of openheartedness and empathy, blinding us to real life conditions on the ground. A quote from Toms FB About A heroic individual can crystallize a widespread awareness of need or widespread admiration. However, only a continuing community dedicated to a deviant value system can change the world. John Howard Yoder radicaldiscipleship.net/2014/12/10/help-wanted-white-allies/#more-1098
Posted on: Thu, 01 Jan 2015 14:39:03 +0000

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