Welcome, this is a public effort the Right, Middle, Left, Occupy, - TopicsExpress


Welcome, this is a public effort the Right, Middle, Left, Occupy, Tea Party and Anonymous ALL demand judicial reform. We need everybody to use their talents and resources to create positive solutions to defeat unethical morally flawed public servants. That which is morally wrong ca n never be politically correct “child abuse comes in many forms”. Systemic abusers in all cases are a collective group of profiteer, seeking to abuse children, families and our heroes. EXPOSE, the political elite that place their funding profit and political gains above human life. Please, read this entire introduction and (( (TAKE ACTION) )). Absent TRUTHFUL abuse, neglect and abandonment it is the Child’s human right to access both loving parents and all loving family members. Systemic judicial corruption includes: “Judicial Federalism”, judicial abuse of power, Judicial retailiation and comes in many other forms, today the parent child relationship is under attack by profiteers that place their funding profit and political gains above human life. Research the tactics and “false accusations” used by Hitler and Stalin. They both were aided by activist biased judges and “friends of the courts” that used sysemic tactics under the color of law, to kill and abuse millions.Form localsuppor and researchgroups. Research the “judge’s trials”. Please create public education efforts like these examples to unite and protect at risk families. Please share the efforts of millions on the training pages to help educate others and hold the corrupt accountable. If we do nothing others will be victims. facebook/pages/STOP-CHILD-ABUSE-FOR-PROFIT/371357906001 and PTSD, Depression page facebook/pages/David-M-Carlin/203941069628811 It is up to the public to enforce the separation of power VOTE LAWYERS OUT OF OUR LEGISLATION and remove SYSTEMIC ABUSERS OF THE PUBLIC: youtube/watch?v=o8uCHuuRLSM Human Rights: un.org/en/documents/udhr/index.shtml Global systemic judicial corruption hurts everyone. YOU ARE NOT ALONE. Take a stand in your country UNITE the PEOPLE. This is not a political party, gender or religion issue. As humans we must UNITE, RECRUIT, EDUCATE the public to EXPOSE and END the cycles of judicial systemic corruption destroying our countries, families and children. Simple education and prevention solutions can be started at local levels to end these cycles of large scale public abuse. People must take action to protect their own communities and remove the profit from abusive policies. People around the world are fighting corruption; expose the corrupt in your country,Special interests influencing - media deceptions and diversions to escalate issues with fragmentation of the public efforts for reforms. Polls and studies manipulated by funding conceal criminal/political hidden agendas. Governments are formed by he people, it is the people that can demand the reform of EVERY branch of their government. The founding fathers in the United States many lawyers warned the people that destruction of liberty and the human spirit would come from the judicial branch and its members un checked abuses of power. Today abuse of judicial power has become a global issue. The people have the power to access their grand jury to investigate and indict corrupt public servants. Use the grand jury power to expose the corrupt by filing your statement of charges directly with the grand jury. Any person called to sit on a grand jury can open an investigation into public corruption. Lawyers and judges are officers of the court, they are not the court they are members of the judicial branch and some are members of local BAR Associations and/or the American Bar Associations (ABA). Lawyers and judges are not above the law, expose their crimes, file criminal “statements of charges” against them, sue them for damages when they break the law or cause “intentional harm” to your family for their profit. Do your research and make sure your filings include all the elements of the crime, you seek a cause of action on. As part of the judicial branch’s power grab judicial members are violating the separation of power as “unethical/morally flawed lawyer legislators” over reaching into legislative bodies.The problem is lawyers conceal the misconduct and criminal acts of other lawyers or they will be attacked by the judicial branch. This power grab is a form of speical interests as “Judicial federalism” and it preys on the production out put “assetts” of the general public. Today, as more lawyers prey on the production families our social structures cannot support the greed and negative economic impact. Judicial Federalism does not contribute to the Gross domestic Product “GDP” of any country, it is large scale negative economic impact. Negitive economic impact comes in many forms and a simple way to test this: Does the social program and its perks contribute to the GDP or place an unsustainable burden on a sociaty? Families are being driven into poverty,suicides, cycles of judicial abuse and for profit prison by judicial federalism. Judicial federalism corrupts ALL aspects of our social order. NEVER VOTE FOR a practicing lawyer and remove unethical lawyers from your local election boards and fitness to run status. UNITE with others to form local support and research groups to expose unethical lawyers and their special interest spouses conflict of interest on legislative bodies. Today we have corrupt activist/biased judges and officers of the court knowingly inflicting harm to others, PTSD, Depression and Psychological trauma are all caused in the divorce industry and cause long term negative impact to families. Harm also comes in the form of lawyers protecting the special interest of the “GREEDY” who seek to suppress the public with economic war fare tactics, are you their slave yet? Expose those willing to cause harm and or throw cases with false statements/accusations for their funding, profit and political power. File your intent to sue against Counties and States quickly, educate others how to file. Build public out cry to take legislative action to defend the human spirit and our founding fathers dream, remember they warned us about the threat from the judicial branch and understood the need for the seperation of power. Defend the at risk families from systemic abusers, today in he USA 50% of families have been abused by the divorce industry. Educate the public to demand legislative reforms/repels of laws intended for the profit, of less than one third of one percent of the general population “lawyers”. The American Psychological Association’s (APA) members “friends of the courts” also are knowingly exposing/causing harm to our children with the above known risks. When two or more persons or organizations (ABA and APA) conspire to deny rights of others it is a felony crime. Why should the public tolerate less than 1/3 of 1% of the general population to dominate all branches of government? Would you place a fox in a chicken house? Placing unethical lawyers and friends of the courts into legislative bodies is doing the same thing, claims of “its legal” does not make it right for the public. As a collective group the ABA and APA are attacking the rights of the child to access both parents under the color of law, support EQUAL parenting. To place, profit, funding and political special interests above liberty and the human spirit is truly EVIL. Take action to protect the Child and Family First. Hitler had his judges and experts, research the “judges trials”. In the United States over 50% of families have been abused, this far exceeds the level of abuse Hitler and Stalin caused, clever lawyers have concealed the death rates associated with judicial abuse. It is time for the public to expose the truth. Will you? Please protect the child and family first, UNITED the public can protect those that cannot defend themselves against this form of systemic corruption. Use your talents and resources to create public outcry, UNITED the public cannot be suppressed, help save the Child and protect the family first. Demand prevention and education policies from your legislators and fund programs to save the at risk families. Communities must protect their own. Start local support groups to protect at risk children and families from profiteers. Start local donations to at risk children for “Boys and Girls Club” and YMCA memberships. Create anger management and mediation programs to HEAL and save families from divorce. Seek solutions to end the cycles of systemic abuse. EDUCATE your local sheriff to protect the public from judicial corruption. TAKE ACTION file formal complaints with the Government Accountability Office (GAO) to expose federal funding abuses. File formal statement of charges against corrupt public servants with the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). File formal complaints with the United Nations Human Rights commission and the International Criminal Court, for human rights violations for equal justice and violations of torture treaties. Be silent NO MORE, your actions will save lives and expose the systemic deceptions abusing the public interest. (( Keep our families FREE!! )) Education is power, educate others to take legislative action to defeat unethical lawyers, judges and friends of the courts over reaching into legislative bodies. It takes a united public effort to create positive solutions. Create non-government funded POSITIVE Solutions for the Community. YOU ARE NOT ALONE. youtube/watch?v=l-gQLqv9f4o EXPOSE those who knowingly abuse families for profit, funding and political gains. ((BILL CARTER and the Blame with JOHNNY DEPP take action )) It takes a public effort to expose the truth. Anything Made of Paper, (Ref. Memphis Three )) helps expose victims of False accusations. We need more positive solutions, please use your talents and resources to protect those who can not fight systemic abusers, Defend the family, Defend your community, Expose public servants willing to abuse for their PROFIT. youtube/watch?v=f9hFud5JcMo Memphis three explained here> > youtube/watch?v=DlOiSRJzDXg&feature=endscreen Thank you, A Public Effort, vote all lawyers out of legislative bodies they are a special interest group!
Posted on: Wed, 26 Mar 2014 14:14:57 +0000

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