Welcome to 2015: From our hearts and home, and all things we - TopicsExpress


Welcome to 2015: From our hearts and home, and all things we treasure most, we want to welcome you all to the new year. With the passage of time, things have taken place, things have happen, some have brought us tears, and the sorrow of loves and lives weve lost have changed the way society sees things, and behaves, and treats others. We have also lived through some things that have brought us great joy, made our hearts smile, and enriched us in ways we could have never thought possible. With the life events we have all lived through, we have an opportunity to take the things we have that we can look back, over the past year, and think of how people have come together, things done for a stranger, things done for some one unseen, things done just because, with out being asked for, we have seen acts of great love, and great humanity, we’ve seen great sacrifice and great giving. Every thing have done, every thing we remember, every thing we’ve heard or read, or watched, has, in it’s own way, either gave us some thing to think about, or gave us some thing that effected our core person in some way, I ask you all, not to think “I have to take a stand”, “I have to find a soap box”, “ I have to preach”. These things are knee jerk, or short lived, or not from with in. I have known most all of you for the better part of my life, and I have come to know my life is better for it. I ask you all, to live every day to it’s fullest, to seek out what you all already have deep down in side. You are all my friends, my family, my mates, there are some of you I have good thoughts about, some of you I hold dear, some of you I treasure with my very soul, and some of you mean more to me then my own life. I ask you all to take any given moment to mean a chance to make the world we live in, to make every think you do, mean some thing, to look at every one you see, and wonder if a gesture, a smile, a genuine connection could make a difference in there life, and make it better. If you do some thing to make your world better, you feel it for ever, if you do some thing to make some one elses world better, you make all our world better. I am proud, honored and blessed to know each and every one of you. I wish you all a very Happy New Year, full of love, peace, warm thoughts, and all the happiness the new year can offer. God bless.
Posted on: Thu, 01 Jan 2015 17:57:56 +0000

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