Welcome to Heavenwood ( Mango dream fellowship ) Matthew - TopicsExpress


Welcome to Heavenwood ( Mango dream fellowship ) Matthew 6:10 Matthew 6:10 KJV Your kingdom come. Your will be done. On earth as it is heaven. Praise Jesus. I have stop thinking about the things I can have on earth rather I desire heavens best. I want the best heaven has to offer to His children. My fellowship last night was very good in deed. I had a very short dream and here it goes. I was by a very large mango tree, and it branches were touching earth, so that I could reach and pluck as many as I wanted and they were all ripe and ready to eat. So I plucked what I wanted and needed and then I woke up. I went to the loo and back to the same dream. But this time the mango tree had grown so tall that it needed to be climbed in other to reach and pluck its fruit, and there were some crazy people who were in contention with me, and they claim, they know how to climb trees better than I could. And when I look at the tree, my heart melted. And I said to the Lord why did this tree grew so tall that am unable to climb it? and I a said but but but but like a child would say, growing up as a child I was good at climbing trees but now am too old and its going to be difficult for me, I said to the Lord, then a tall guy from no where came to me and said, what do you desire, I said mango fruits, and can you bring down its fruits so that I can pluck them, just shake the tree so that a lot of the fruit can fall, I need for myself and others who are in need. And he did exactly that. Then I woke up. And the Holy Spirit said to me Elijahmydaughter, This is the season that My children will not need any effort to receive from My kingdom, now is the set time and I have made it easy for them, what took so long in the past has now been made easy for everyone of my children to receive, no more struggles. The burden the enemy layed on My children has now been be lifted up. There are angels in different local ready to assist and the enemy cannot stop them. Believe&live If you are not born again and you would like to, repeat this after me, I confess with my mouth the Lord Jesus Christ and believe in my heart that God raised him from the dead I am saved...............................................Remain blessed..........Rita.
Posted on: Mon, 01 Jul 2013 12:39:34 +0000

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