Welcome to NXTs Fifth Episode! FCW General Manager Mick Foley - TopicsExpress


Welcome to NXTs Fifth Episode! FCW General Manager Mick Foley will be making a Special Appearance on NXT! Mick Foley walks out to the NXT Universe with a Microphone and in a Suit. He walks into the ring to the Crowd Cheering. Mick Foley: NXT, Thank You all for letting me be out here. And as you all know, I am the FCW Chairman, and it will become the NXTs Second Brand. Now, since im on here, I have an Announcement to every single wrestler here on NXT. If you wouldl ike to be a Wrestler on FCW, just post onto my Facebook Wall and you will be in it. We will be holding tournaments for Titl- Randy Ortons Theme Song hits and he walks out onto the Entrance Ramp with a Mic. Randy Orton: Mick, Mick, Mick. We may have had our Differences in WWE, but id like to say that this is NXT, and that we should clean our slate. Now, I have a Proposal for you. If you let me be the FCW Champion on FCW, I will move to FCW. Alright? Mick Foley: Well Orton. Im afraid that cant happen. Randy Orton: What do you mean? Oh thats right, your John Bradshaw Layfields Ass Kisser! Look here Mick, I am the NXTs Best and Most Valuble Wrestler, and If you dont want me, then you will pay. I will kick your old ass around this entire arena, were it will be on TV, and you will go home to your Family, and they will be sitting there, saying that you are a weaking. Then, you will regret the day right here that you didnt sign me onto FCW as the FCW Champion. Mick Foley: Oh really Orton? You know what, you may have beaten me in WWE, but as you said this is NXT. And I may be Old, but I can still Kick Your Ass. Orton runs into the ring and Mick Foley is ripping his suit off. Orton gets into the ring and Foley spears him. Foley with strikes onto Orton. Orton counters with Strikes. Security and JBL run into the ring and seperate them. John Bradshaw Layfield: Randy. What the Hell are you doing, attacking the FCW General Manager? You should be ashamed. Now, you come from Wrestler Loyalty and Blood, Respect That! JBL throws the Mic to the floor and Orton RKOs JBL! JBL is down and Security grabs Orton and takes him backstage as Mick Foley checks on JBL.
Posted on: Tue, 19 Nov 2013 08:03:27 +0000

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