Welcome to Satan’s Ball Our elites have established the most - TopicsExpress


Welcome to Satan’s Ball Our elites have established the most efficient system of mass surveillance in history. They have abolished most of our civil liberties. They have trashed our economy for their own personal gain. They have looted state treasuries and thrown working men and women aside. Satan is again holding a great ball. You are not invited. I am not invited. Only the gangsters will be there. Putin will be an honored guest. So will Obama. evergreenedigest.org/sites/evergreenedigest.org/files/World%20Banner_0.jpg Chris Hedges, Truthdig https://paypal/en_US/i/btn/btn_donateCC_LG.gif If you like reading this article, consider joining the crew of all reader-supported Evergreene Digest by contributing the equivalent of a cafe latte a month--using the donation button in the above right-hand corner—so we can bring you more just like it. truthdig/images/eartothegrounduploads/satansball_590.jpg President Barack Obama shakes hands with Russian President Vladimir Putin at the G-20 summit at the Konstantin Palace in St. Petersburg, Russia, on Sept. 5, 2013. AP/Pablo Martinez Monsivais Mar 9, 2014 | Mikhail Bulgakov’s “The Master and Margarita,” a bitter satire of Soviet life at the height of Stalin’s purges, captured the surrealist experience of living in a brutal totalitarianism. In the novel’s world, lies are considered true and truth is considered seditious. Existence is a dark carnival of opportunism, unchecked state power, hedonism and terrorism. It is peopled with omnipotent secret police, wholesale spying and surveillance, show trials, censorship, mass arrests, summary executions and disappearances, along with famines, gulags and a state system of propaganda utterly unplugged from daily reality. This reality is increasingly becoming our own. “The Master and Margarita” is built around Woland, or Satan, who is a traveling magician, along with a hog-sized, vodka-swilling, chess-playing black cat named Behemoth, a witch named Hella, a poet named Ivan Homeless, a writer known as The Master who has been placed in an insane asylum following the suppression of his book, his lover Margarita, Pontius Pilate, Yeshua, or Jesus Christ, and Pilate’s dog Banga—the only creature that loves Pilate. Chris Hedges, a weekly columnist for Truthdig, is a Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist who has reported from more than 50 countries, specializing in American politics and society. Full story…evergreenedigest.org/welcome-satan’s-ball Related: What the US Media Wont Tell You About Ukraine, Ted Rall, Common Dreams evergreenedigest.org/sites/evergreenedigest.org/files/Media%20%26%20Technology%20Banner.jpg Why you should not take U.S. papers and television at face value on Ukraine.... Ukraine in Context: What You Dont Know About a New Cold War Propaganda and nonsense: Even more New York Times hypocrisy evergreenedigest.org/what-us-media-wont-tell-you-about-ukraine
Posted on: Mon, 17 Mar 2014 23:09:56 +0000

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