Welcome to Spinal Muscular Atrophy Awareness Month. I totally ROCK - TopicsExpress


Welcome to Spinal Muscular Atrophy Awareness Month. I totally ROCK this disorder, which attacks the motor neurons and causes voluntary movement muscles to dwindle away. There are 4 Types of SMA. I have Type I, which is the most severe; however, I am on the stronger/higher end of the spectrum. So, how does it affect me? Well, basically I am a quadriplegic who has total sensation throughout my body; however I am not incontinent...and I can use my right thumb to drive my chair and type using a touchpad mouse and an onscreen keyboard. SMA is not painful, nor does it affect intelligence. My SMA has weakened my facial muscles causing me to speak differently and to aspirate (choke) on many types of foods. That is why I have a feeding tube; although, I can drink and eat some by mouth. I use a ventilator because my diaphragm muscles are too weak to eliminate my body of CO2. But, I can breathe some without it. But because I am on a vent, I am at high risk for pneumonia...which kills most of us with Type I during childhood. I am very fortunate to be so healthy. And there you have the basic description of my SMA. Please, do not be afraid to ask me ANY and EVERY question...no matter how personal or intimate. :)
Posted on: Fri, 01 Aug 2014 19:12:44 +0000

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