Welcome to all of our new fans on this page! We are so happy that - TopicsExpress


Welcome to all of our new fans on this page! We are so happy that you have decided to join us. We are a Pay it Forward community made up of members who vote in on-line contests primarily to bring much needed recovery dollars to communities impacted by disasters. We support Veterans and Animal Rescue organizations when the opportunities arise, but we have also branched out into other contests on occasion - usually at the request of one of our fans. (We also do fun stuff in between.) We started doing on-line contests after the Minot Flood of 2011. Since that time, there have been so many disasters that it can seem a bit overwhelming to try to help everyone. Our philosophy, however, is that we will do What we can, where we can, whenever we can. We cant physically or financially help in the communities impacted by disasters, but from the beginning have said, I have a computer and a mouse and I know how to use it. The GOOD NEWS today is that, since Veterans Memorial Park officially received their $100,000 Coca Cola grant yesterday, the total amount of funds YOU have all helped raise has surpassed one-half million dollars! WooHoo! :D I know we ask a lot of our fans on this page by continuously promoting contests and asking for your votes. It may not seem very significant to win $500 or $1,000 compared to winning the $100,000 Coke grant, but the organizations we help are definitely grateful and its amazing what they can accomplish with those funds. If you stop to consider that none of us individually or as a group have the resources to provide the kind of financial support the contests have provided, lending our support in this way really does make a difference! All of us here are volunteers. We seek no individual rewards or recognition for doing what we do. (I remain anonymous to all but a few people for just that reason.) We firmly believe that we receive so much more than what we give and if we succeed in providing the following: Where there is doubt, faith; Where there is despair, hope; Where there is darkness, light; that is what matters most! I have attached the charts that break down which contests we have supported over the past 2+ years that resulted in funds or prizes being given to the organizations we have supported. Of course, we did not win all of the contests we have supported, but we did give it our best shot! When you look at the charts, you will see just how important each of your votes was! ALL of the smaller contests combined really do add up! How long contests will continue remains to be seen, but we will continue to do what we do as long as we can because of your support. We appreciate YOU more than you will ever know and we thank you from the bottom of our hearts for helping us help others.
Posted on: Sat, 09 Nov 2013 22:10:47 +0000

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