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Welcome to another fun and exciting journey where we go back in history. Youre looking at images of Black (Nubian) soldiers found in the tomb of Mesehti in Asyut. They date back to the Eleventh Dynasty of ancient Egypt (2125-1985 BCE) Yes, were going back over 4,000 years in history. theguardian/science/2014/jun/09/archaeologists-discover-4000-year-old-pharaonic-tomb-luxor-egypt This is a painted wooden model of a troop (40) Nubian archers. They are shown wearing a bright red and green loin-cloth, possibly leather not linen. They are carrying three arrows in their right hand and a re-curved bow in their left. THE MOSES CONNECTION --- According to the biblical narrative of Moshe/Moses, we understand that his mother places him in a basket and hides him in the Nile river until he is found and raised by the pharaoh’s daughter. [Exodus 2:2-10] Guess what? --- Moses fit in just fine with the Black Egyptians. Scripture does not present any information whatsoever that Moses/Moshe looked different in appearance or had a problem fitting in. Guess what else? Moses/Moshe had a black wife! True story. Her name was Tziporah. She was the daughter of Jethro, a Midianite priest and a Cushite (Cush being the ancient name for Ethiopia). jewishencyclopedia/articles/15271-zipporah Some scholars, even Jewish attempt to refute the fact that Moshes wife was Black. However, scripture references are clear. Numbers 12:1 And Miriam and Aaron spake against Moses because of the Ethiopian woman whom he had married: for he had married an Ethiopian woman. ancient-egypt.co.uk/
Posted on: Tue, 02 Sep 2014 04:42:50 +0000

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