Welcome to my new fun Exposure site. No disrespect to the majority - TopicsExpress


Welcome to my new fun Exposure site. No disrespect to the majority of good, hard working people at the sharp end and those managers who have proven to operate according to Ethics & Principles and in the interests of Wiltshire People. If you have something to say about Wiltshire Councils Politics, Policy and Practices, especially in respect of its treatment of employees and residents, please feel free to add you posts and comment. Personally and in respect of some of the clients and colleagues I have supported, the Council Body fails on so many grounds and is actually quite belligerent and unforgiving to many of its Staff and Residents, especially those who are more outspoken, or make serious complaints about the more officious officers conduct. Its staffing welfare attitude is atrocious, very aggressive and frequently dishonest. I and others have been willfully bullied by some incompetent line managers and most senior Managers did nothing tosten the last episode. It is very Litigious, but very slow to respond to serious complaints of Bullying and Unhealthy Practices (Health & Safety Issues) My own and others Health & Safety concerns were raised at least 6 times, with two managers and with the Local Union Office. No investigation was undertaken. In fact, I was subsequently investigated for incompetence, which was quickly dropped when I raise the Health & Safety Issues I had reported I was then disciplined on 5 instances of bringing the council into disrepute, referring to 5 articles published on my Service Users Community Website, which were not actually referring to Wiltshire Council In 4 of those instances. It was just that the comments so well fitted Wiltshires conduct and failings.They just I assumed that I was discussing them. The 5th Article was a Whistle Blower article concerning Wiltshire Council failures and institutional abuses. Finally.my last professiona Supervisor Terry Messenger and her rather incompetent Boss (who failed in their attempts atincompetency) continued to bully and disruopt my work to such a drgree that clients suffer months of unaceptable,had their basic riights abused and failed to be provided the service requiredby the clear policythat had been put inplace My heath was seriously affected by months of bullying and overwork and I have seen, met and spoken with other professionals &managers who have suffered a similar physical and mental duress because of Wiltshires bullying style and incompetence of some of its managers. My health (after 4 years from leaving the abusive environment) is much better now it is time to return to exposing this Councils general failure in commitments since it was established as a Unitary Authority and also to expose some of its more abusive and incompetent Managers in some key services, providing service to the most vulnerable. Please make your contributions.You can do so anonymously,but you will have to provide me with convincing evidence if you wish to expose the conduct of an individual employee ofthe council.It is only fair that they are protected from malicious exposure.The general conduct of Politicians Senior Managers are Open Season though. That goes with their job. Most of all;Have some fun at the expense of the worst Bureaucrats and Apologist for gross failures of local service and the most belligerent attitude towards those which challenge their gross failure, abuses and incompetence. I am sure Wiltshire Council is no alone in its failings, but we have to live here and some of us still work for and with these Bullies:-)
Posted on: Tue, 28 Oct 2014 13:41:47 +0000

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