Welcome to my other world ... The Rock Hall Wave : Dave and The - TopicsExpress


Welcome to my other world ... The Rock Hall Wave : Dave and The Chestertown Spy, The Rock Hall grape vine tells me that Gren Whitman, Anita Gottlieb, Kate Johnson, Linda Buckel and Janice Plotzck are going to be contacting you and The Chestertown Spy to enter in (once again) to the War of the Worlds in Rock Hall. On July 3 this group sent me a document and supporting pieces to post on the Wave that represents their myopic view of sewer and water assessments in Rock Hall and Kent County. It is posted with comments on the Rock Hall Wave, one that is from Sailing Emporium owner, Art Willis. rockhallwave.dreamhosters/2013/07/14/anita-group-to-art-and-rock-hall-utilities-board-weve-factored-the-fecal-fees/ The time line referenced in the decision represents a period when the Rock Hall Mayor and Council (Jay Jacobs, Rosalie Kuechlar, John Toulson, Butch Price and Bob Willis) did what, in my opinion, was best for our entire business and residential community. The business referenced in the documents, The Sailing Emporium, was not the only business or area to be granted a rate reduction. This business is owned by the Willis family, their son, Bob Willis, is a former council member and now Mayor of the best town on the planet, Rock Hall. The puzzling but also predictable fact for me is that this group started this ball rolling with me and The Rock Hall Wave ..... and apparently then and now is sending this to The Chestertown Spy. I am hoping that it is because this involves the entire county, now .... and not that your reporter Daniel Menefee will not be sent out to write and investigate. Mostly because I have objected to you about his bias, not posting all the materials he collected and writing objectionable comments anonymously to me on The Rock Hall Wave. I am hoping that if you and the Chestertown Spy will become involved that you do an interview video piece with Art Willis. Apparently Daniel Menefee has done some other interviews in Rock Hall that were never posted. Being that you interviewed and videoed me and my former business partners Ed Kurowski and Jack Heffner, I know that you will do a good job. Thank you, Robin
Posted on: Wed, 17 Jul 2013 10:47:32 +0000

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