Welcome to the BUSINESS DISTRICT Bleating Goat Managers are - TopicsExpress


Welcome to the BUSINESS DISTRICT Bleating Goat Managers are used to hearing a select few employees complain about everything. No matter the issue or situation, the same individuals seem to enjoy pointing out what they see as the weaknesses. It appears to be an obligation they have accepted. I’m going to urge you as an employee, don’t hesitate to complain. Properly. As an employee, we need to train our managers to see us as a thoughtful advocate for an alternate point of view. Every decision has multiple facets that must be addressed. Sometimes the best decision is the least worst decision. Few people, including the manager, will be very pleased with it. At the bottom line, if the decision must be made, multiple factors engage. So you don’t agree or see major pitfalls. How do you go about bringing these to light with the maximum possibility of acceptance? Unless there are extreme issues of jobs and safety at risk, the best approach will be that of a thoughtful counselor. Request the opportunity to discuss the issue and prepare for it. Know what you are presenting and the aspects involved. Do you best to understand all sides of the discussion. Generate the benefits and drawbacks for the possible options. When all the prep work is completed, enter into the discussion as would a wise counselor. Discuss instead of debate. Try not to trap the manager in a corner. Present opportunities that promote the good of everyone. The boss may not agree. This time. Next time, you may be invited to discuss the issues ahead of time. Thank you for reading this note. Forward to a butcher. Rusty Van Der Veer Join the Email Distribution: To add a name or remove a name to the blog email list, send an e-mail to add1remove1@gmail clearly stating the name and e-mail address. E-mail addresses will not be shared, sold, or otherwise distributed. You may view the Business District blog at bizdistrict.blogspot/ If you wish to make a comment on a blog note, go to the blog and click on “No comments.” Enter your comment and select Anonymous or log in, then Publish. If you have questions, comments, or suggestions, e-mail me at rvande05@gmail
Posted on: Wed, 13 Nov 2013 13:29:46 +0000

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