Welcome to the future! How many times last year did you say - TopicsExpress


Welcome to the future! How many times last year did you say something like Oh, I’ll do that in the new year. And now, this new year is upon us. It’s so funny because, like most people, I love celebrating the new year, but this time on the 1st of January I felt a little down. It took me a few days to work out why, but then it hit me. I loved 2014. And while I’m all for setting new year’s intentions and cleansing out what didn’t serve me last year, so much of last year did serve me, and I don’t want to lose those parts of myself, or my life and biz. What do I mean by that? Well, so often when it comes to setting goals or intentions for a new year, they’re all about what we want to change, what we want to do differently, what we want to let go of and how we want to start afresh. And that’s great, and refreshing, and uplifting. And yep there’s stuff I want to do differently this year. But what about all the things I want to stay the same? The things I worked so hard on last year, like making sure I didn’t burn out, and looking after myself, and working with urgency and devotion and diligence. I like those things. I want them to stay. Which parts of yourself, your life or your biz did you love in 2014? You have permission to keep things just as they are, if you wish. Of course you can change everything too. It’s totally up to you. For me, some things will stay. Some things will improve. Some new intentions have been set, some goals and feelings aligned to. However, for the first new year in… probably ever… I don’t feel the need to change THAT much. I’m really happy, even on the days I wonder okay, Life, how’s THAT going to turn out? This year, I’m committed to continuing much of what I started last year. I still plan on growing, changing, moving forwards and succeeding at everything I put my mind to. But I don’t feel the need to throw out what’s been. And when I made that realisation, I had a really wonderful 1st of January, 2015. And so to honour new beginnings, I have pulled an oracle card for you from a new deck* The card I pulled for you is… [Find out here!]
Posted on: Thu, 08 Jan 2015 07:51:00 +0000

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