Welcome to the week ahead. A new system, as I alluded to a few - TopicsExpress


Welcome to the week ahead. A new system, as I alluded to a few days ago. This reading will not be for Sun signs like that of a couple of weeks ago but will incorporate astrological methods. Here goes.. Do you remember in the mid 80s a certain lady by the name of Madonna, belted out that catchy tune Material Girl? In many ways that whole imagery, and its relationship to purity and societal (as well as parental) expectations, is what is up for review in this reading. At root the picture emerging tells of your sense of incarceration in a straitjacket of family traditions and expectations of conformity to such traditions. The relevance of Madonnas Material Girl here is the connection forged to the materialistic aspects of those expectations. It feels like you have paid a heavy price by being enmeshed in a set of values that were never yours. The energetic signature of Mars in Libra is one of deploying your energies in a somewhat uncomfortable fashion to sound the depths of your material imprisonment. I notice that there is a deluding influence blocking your path into this quest. Where are you rationalising? Your values appear polarised between loyalty to your clan and a kind of instilled fear of outsiders. It is almost as if your conflict is about a message that nobody can be trusted and yet it feels as if the parental axis was untrustworthy. Perhaps you were terrorised by lurking fears of being disinherited? One thing is certain.. this complex is up for review. What do you fear? Now.. ask the far more telling question What SHOULD I fear? I am getting a very clear message that this core conflict has depleted your life force and led you to shut down. Interestingly, the message is very loud that metamorphosis and a new cycle is at hand, predicated upon a deep exploration of your own hijacked values. Most likely some disruptive force, in the fabric of your life, will be the catalyst for transformation. This will likely involve matters of legacy, inheritance or settlement that will force you to confront said deeply ingrained reflex responses to your own status/standing in life.. your VERY comfort! Three rune cards express what is involved in exploring this psychological abyss.. 1. Perthro 2. Elhaz 3. Jera This combination instantly speaks to me of the heros journey.. I mean, this is dungeons and dragons stuff! You are an initiate on a sacred journey into the heart of your karma. We are talking fate here. You will need to be aware and alert and protect yourself from being derailed! You are in a regenerative process that will take time. It seems that the message is that you are to become self sufficient entirely upon your own merits, not forever feeling indebted, or in the shadow of some controlling tyranny that has continually portrayed you as weak. This deluding influence intrigues me and I think I know what it may be. Your values have too often been about making sure others are cared for and acknowledged and your own so-called stability (as defined by others), rather than being youthfully exuberant and free. The Material Girl spell bewitched you many moons ago and it has remained hidden from your view precisely BECAUSE it has been justified internally as part of your sacrifice/service to others. You dont have to look after your parents when they are old. You do not need to guarantee that the significant people in your life will never face hardship! You need to turn your attention inward for a time (following Mercurys retrograde motion on the 6th) and discover a whole new shiny meaning and set of solutions for your life based on YOUR values..
Posted on: Mon, 03 Feb 2014 19:39:09 +0000

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