Welcome to the world little Zoe! Our beloved trainer Heidi and - TopicsExpress


Welcome to the world little Zoe! Our beloved trainer Heidi and her beautiful partner Claire have created the most precious little angel, Zoe Connie Squires. There are things in this world which astound me and babies are one of them. The body is an amazing piece of equipment. The admiration and respect I have for Claire going through all of that without an single complaint and the love and adoration from Heidi astounds me. Two perfect people creating such a masterpiece of cuteness. Now as the selected, chosen family Aunt I had a couple of jobs. 1. Stay calm when labour starts 2. Be a strong support for the pair of them 3. Do whatever is required without being a blubbering mess. I failed. What I actually did: Arrived without realising labour had commenced. Walked into beautiful soothing music, a loving partner calming and supporting her girl through each contraction. So I chose to panic. Leg wobblers, queasy tummy and tear filled eyes. So what do I do? I get out my Personal training lap timer and time the contractions as though they are winning Olympics golds. I may have even cheered at one stage. After utilising my grade 5 maths and realising the contractions were less than 5 mins apart. I panic. Again. Ive watched nine months with Hugh Grant, Im an expert. The girls calm me through contractions and I breathe. Lap timer still running. As the labour continues and Ive sent myself home. Im a mess for the next day. Calling my one straight client who saved the day and calmed me down countless times. Called my dearest friend who tells me the gory details and side tracks me for a moment. I dig garden beds. Finally little Zoe is born. I breathe. And cry. The three perfects have arrived home and I deliver carb loaded food to get them through the days of no food and limited sleep. Its what any good PT would recommend. Im so amazed at these two women, it blows my mind. Today was a breakthrough though. I held little Zoe and sang her songs, got spewed on and witnessed explosive poo and vertical wee. This baby stuff is kinda cool. I am so grateful to my mate Lauren Margaret who taught me everything I know and my dearest friend and client Jannine Frost for keeping me somewhat sane. No doubt when its my turn Ill be watching my heart rate and ensuring Im in the fat burning zone. Thank you Heidi Sumpter and Claire Squires for being the most awesome people I know and the best mummas out. Welcome little Zoe, its gonna be a ride! Xx
Posted on: Wed, 17 Dec 2014 08:28:27 +0000

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