Welcoming this beautiful day; greeting the people, all the people - TopicsExpress


Welcoming this beautiful day; greeting the people, all the people as we are the same in the four directions - light and love to all in this time of growing peace and unity. Greetings to mother earth for having us and caring for us, to the waters for your life energy and cleansing gifts, to all that grows that gives us medicine, food, good health, air to breathe, materials to live; to our relations with whom we share our mother, who co-exist in perfect harmony, showing us how life is meant to be; to the thunders who keep the balance and the four directions who bring us the messages of change and times to prepare; to our brother sun for his energy, strength and fire that connects with our own, to our grandmother who watches over us at night and who brings together the women and the waters; to all our ancestors and relations in sky world who have set the stage for our being today and to creator who put this all in motion and keeps it moving, who arranged that we could experience the things we have come to experience to enrich our spirit and be closer to universal perfection. Creating the peace among all of us, light and love to everyone - pay it forward people. Skennenko:wa yall
Posted on: Tue, 26 Aug 2014 09:58:09 +0000

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