Well - if you never hear from me again- Im going to try to deliver - TopicsExpress


Well - if you never hear from me again- Im going to try to deliver a letter to the District Attorney - as follows. Buying A Home (1) I contacted a realtor listed on the web for Stanly County. Julie Carson spent just hours with me as I looked at less than ten houses. I settled for an older home with a basement in a pretty neighborhood with trees. The property has beautiful oak trees. Very soon Julie Carson had me advance her “earnest money” and said the buyer usually got that back. Julie Carson spent less time with me than with most people who buy homes. She spent hours. Why shouldn’t I get “my” “earnest money”, my “faith money” back? It’s a ruse for a rube. She kept my money and never explained why I did not get it back. This is a dishonest practice and should be against the law. . (2) Inspections were made on the property to sell. I trusted the inspectors, assuming there were checks and balances to impartial inspectors. Every inspection has been faulty to this date. I didn’t mind stains on the floor (kitchen and bathroom surfaces as well as stains on the hardwood.) Carpets were pulled up leaving tacks that my bare feet would find. Some are still there near the walls where I seldom step but most that are hazardous I’ve removed. The railing around the cement deck is warped and boards are gapped leaving inches of space and jagged nails. A screw was screwed in to hold the board and it could only do so temporarily. There is a chemical smell in the basement that has scared one guest of mine who has cancer in remission. The smell is strong and I pointed it out to SAFECO’s inspector recently. I see no notes in his report. There is a constant mold problem in the basement. It has gotten all over everything and very strongly on products of a fibrous nature. There is moisture coming into the basement from the ground. This is on SAFECO’s inspection report. . (3) The previous owner, Mr. Plyler, said there was no moisture problem in the basement and reiterated that there never has been. This is what normal people consider – a lie. . (4) Shortly after being in the home, sewage in the pipes began backing up. Thinking it was a clog I could fix, I bought products like “DRAINO” or LIQUID PLUMMER. This seemed to be working but all that was happening was the liquid would seem into the ground. However the more solid waste wasn’t going away or far enough away. I tried to take care of the home. I don’t want help if I can help myself. But the sewage problem remained. At first, mostly “water” and suds from the washing machine backed up and overflowed into the basement. In May, June, and through this past winter the situation grew increasingly horrible. In January sewage started coming out of a pipe that was available for a clothes washer drain in the basement. I cleaned raw sewage several times. I reported my problem to the city thinking it could be a city sewage problem. The result is I’ve spent almost $2,915.43 with Superior Plumbing – on having old “tar paper” type plumbing pipes, that go to the city’s main. Ray Surratt of Superior plumbing quickly diagnosed the problem as he has seen this problem many times in the older homes of Albemarle. The pipes rot, collapse, break, and stop up. SUPERIOR PLUMBING 2922 Noritake Trail Albemarle, NC 28001 704-986-0343 and 704-983-5970 . I contacted the realtor for Mr. Plyler, Kent Harkey, and suggested he come witness the plumbing fiasco. He, Mr. Plyler, and lawyers could come inspect the progress. I heard nothing from anyone. This was the greatest deception, of course. There is no way Mr. Plyler or anyone could live in the house for any time without the sewage backing up. I was merely filling the pipes back up. The pipes were broken in two places. I cleaned raw sewage up on several occasions. When the repairs started and before, I was using the bathrooms of Wal-Mart, Lowes, Morrow Mountain State Park, etc. I have chronic back trouble and when I need to go – I really need to go. Pain is such that before strenuous endeavors, I must go to eat early the day before the activity. I must go to bed early so as to wake early and use the bathroom early. If “things” aren’t taken care of I have more pain in my back. This plumbing fiasco was deception. “Withholding information” may not be a falsehood to the District Attorney, the Attorney General of North Carolina but it is a nasty blatent lie to this old Vietnam Marine Corps Veteran. . Every “previous inspection” is proven to be a lie by the inspection of SAFECO Insurance on April 24, 2014. SAFECO Insurance has a list of demands that I must make on my house I’ve had trouble with within one year of “buying” this house. Even SAFECO’s inspection is flawed. . The bottom line is that this industry of selling homes is fraudulent and is allowed to be because of laws that are lenient to selling but not for buying. . “Inspectors” who inspect from requests of owners/sellers and realtors have inspections that are favorable to the sellers not the buyers. . A year later when the owner is settled in, the insurance companies have another inspection that is favorable for the insurance company – and they want nothing or little to do with paying out money for claims. I am now told I have a time limit on which I make repairs to the water leakage, mold and mildew in the basement. I have the same time limit to remove moss growing on the roof. I have a time limit on cutting the oak trees that withstood the horizontal tornado that left Albemarle in disaster for over a week. My home was without electricity for over a week, not from my trees but from thousands of other trees around the area. . So – the house I bought – never was the house I bought. Even the trees will go. The neighbors will be forced to “trim my trees” as well as their own. My house will be bare to the sun. . This is not the house I bought nor is the land what I thought I was buying. . I’ve spent hundreds already, back in the winter with Darrell’s Tree Service, for tree trimming that Darrell Steed recommended. Darrell’s Tree Service – 336-470-5811 and 704-232-2072 . From the start of buying a home, the name Veterans United caught my eye. Of course it did. I am a Marine Corp Combat Veteran of Vietnam. I even thanked them as I thought they were for and of Veterans. Yes, later I would discover they are not VETERAN related at all and will aid and abet the owners in selling but not the Veteran but to secure the loan. When I asked Veterans United Home Loans about where my “earnest money” went – they would not address the question. Veterans United PO Box 77404 Ewing, New Jersey 08628 877-629-6992 . There is a fact that is very apparent to this old man and Veteran – the laws are set and enforced for the sellers over the buyers and soon to be victim. There isn’t a “net” to safe-guard the naïve home buyer. There are professional home buyers that know the ropes. The “business” is run with a tacit approval for “acquiring additional funds” from the unaware buyer. . As I look over a letter from SAFECO Insurance – I’m not sure they will ever pay off on any claim. It appears to me that there is almost nothing that they insure against. . Because of my love for trees and my need for trees, for this alone, I most probably will “default” on this loan though it is not my fault but the fault of laws, realtors, insurance, District Attorneys, Attorneys General, law makers (more lawyers), and judges (more lawyers). . This isn’t all the fraud I have to report. Dennis Parker of Farm Bureau Insurance, here in Albemarle, has informed me recently that the $36,000 I paid into my life insurance – doesn’t exist. I believe the insurance scam/fraud is ultimately from – the Universal Life scam. Would anyone need help in web-searching this “withholding” of information that I consider a $36,000 lie and fraud? Dennis Parker PO Box 1426 1211 Hwy 24/27 Bypass West Albemarle, NC 29002 704-982-0113 704-519-9766 . I’m now contacting the “proper” VA channels to discus my loan and my probable “default”. The VA in Salisbury doesn’t handle that. The Winston Salem VA Administration doesn’t handle that. The local VA office in Albemarle doesn’t handle that. I’ll talk with someone in Atlanta. . I’ve spoken with several entities and lately I made the mistake of calling the Attorney General of North Carolina. I was quickly turned over to their handler who didn’t care, didn’t care to listen, but with seasoned arrogance would just leave the phone conversation dead. At one point I went to the mailbox, retrieved mail, washed my phone and the rubber cover, and then asked, as I did before, if she was still there. She was and informed me that she had told me what she would have to say. . So this worthless paper will go to the office of District Attorney. Since the office of the Attorney General seems to have a sense of humor (only to themselves and their ilk) I’ll presume the office of the District Attorney will also have a sense of humor. What’s the difference between the District Attorney and the Attorney General of North Carolina? The District Attorney doesn’t investigate crime in his district (or any I care about). The Attorney General doesn’t investigate crimes in North Carolina. . I expect the office of the District Attorney to do nothing. I expect America to be the most imprisoned nation on God’s Earth. But I see the real causes of perpetual war, perpetual imprisonment, false imprisonment, false convictions, and the deaths in these aftermaths to continue. I see you and all your accomplices getting off scot free but you perpetuate grief. Grief, angst, suffering, torture are what has been forced upon me. And it will continue for other older people – trusting people – like myself. Many Veterans who have put their lives on the line for these “accomplices” will go free – to condos – golf courses – galas. You’ll be the toast of towns and the country. . I am insignificant. You all made that very plain long ago. You make it more visible as I age. This life that is forced upon me isn’t worth living. At anytime I know you can come into my house. You can make a false arrest. You can falsify evidence. You can falsely imprison me. You can run me over with vehicles, as has been done, and like before – there will be mo inquiries. There will be no one at the fault of my death but me. I know that you can and should I speak often enough – “with a wink and a nod” it will be so. . And so – there is no democracy with as much secrecy as I’ve seen. . So do nothing. Deny that there is an eye – that sees all. . Sincerely, Michael Davis 659 North Ninth Street Albemarle, NC 28001 Soon to be in Albemarles public housing, the prison on Airport Road!
Posted on: Fri, 30 May 2014 11:40:07 +0000

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