Well 12 years has gone and past since the day God called home yet - TopicsExpress


Well 12 years has gone and past since the day God called home yet another beautiful Angel. Mamaw 12 years ago today around this exact time you left us here on earth to go be in heaven cuz God decided that your time on earth was finished. Not a day goes by that I do not think of you, there is always something that reminds me of you and it hurts so bad knowing I can never have the chance to say I love you or to pick up the phone and call you to tell you about my day. Not only were you my grandma but u were like my 2nd mom, U helped my momma raise me and did an amazing job at it, in your eyes I could do no wrong(even though I did sometimes lol). I sure wish u were still here to see my lil boy your great grandson, he is my lil mini me and I know if u were still here with us he would be spoiled more than he is now. There are many times that mom says something or smiles a certain way or gives me a certain look and I swear I see you in her so much. I have always been told that time will heal the pain well that is a LIE cuz the pain I have from loosing you has NEVER healed it just gets harder and harder each and every year. I know you are no longer suffering and I know you are having an amazing time in heaven with Granny, Aunt Sharon, Aunt Mary and Papaw Earl and everyone else we have lost but I sure wish u were still here. I catch my self wondering and asking God WHY.... Why did Mamaw have to get cancer and why did she have to die at such a young age, she never hurt anyone nor said one bad thing about anyone. Its not fair that u were taken from us so soon. I love and miss you so much Mamaw my heart is breaking especially on this day the 12th anniversary of your death. May you Rest In Peace for ever and ever my beautiful guardian angel and can not wait till the day I see you again. R.I.P. Martha Earl Wolsey April 25,1949 to September 18,2001.
Posted on: Wed, 18 Sep 2013 14:19:56 +0000

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