Well CHRISTmas is once again behind us. This has reminded me of - TopicsExpress


Well CHRISTmas is once again behind us. This has reminded me of how this is about all JESUS gets anymore. A little hoop-lah gathering once a week and on Easter and CHRISTmas and then off we go back to our own little worlds. Ive often wondered if JESUS will return for HIS church on a Sunday morning or while celebrating CHRISTmas or Easter while many people are gathered together. If so, how many will still be sitting in the pews after the true church is gone in that twinkling of an eye? There is an overwhelming amount of “lip service” today toward our Creator GOD. We each, who claim JESUS as our Savior, need to take a close look at our relationship with CHRIST. We cannot do this for anyone else, and no one else can do this for us. This is solely solo. Take just a moment to think about this. Are we someone who simply gives a “lip service”? A time is coming when we will be accountable to the way we use our life while upon this earth. We must know now, and we must correct it if needed. If I need a Savior, JESUS will be my Savior if I ask HIM. If I havent been serving my Savior as LORD, I need to change that immediately. No more lip service! JESUS is returning, and thousands upon thousands of people are going to be horrified because they have been misled by satan. We have been born in a country where for the most part life is easy, and it’s pretty simple to give lip service to GOD and be on our way. However, when the true Church is caught up in the Rapture, hell will be unleashed upon this world. Life will not be easy!! It will be the most horrific time this world has ever seen. It will hit every single person, none excluded. A stand for JESUS during that time will more than likely cost you your life. The “lip service” days will be over! While there is time, and while it is still so simple, I plead with you to put your faith in JESUS Now. Stand for HIM, without shame. For a day is fast approaching……. HE Will return! “For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes: first to the Jew, then to the Gentile.” Romans 1:16
Posted on: Mon, 29 Dec 2014 00:36:43 +0000

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