Well FB friends.. I havent been on in a while and have missed - TopicsExpress


Well FB friends.. I havent been on in a while and have missed conversing with you. As you know , by the grace of God I have been on the mend... As you know I have been stuck at home for so long now that since I am feeling pretty good it has been " katy bar the door"... for those of you that are too young to know what that means... it is just a slang for saying look out here I come... get out of the way.... :) Last week I decided I would do what I had been trying to do all summer.. take a trip to the beach. I try to go every year at least once. It is one of my favorite places, having spent time in the sun in Hawaii as a child. I packed up my little car and decided since I was alone, I would take my dog... that little bitty thing is only.... almost 180lbs... yes, I said a hundred and eighty pounds. I just dared anyone to stick, their head, hand or any other part of their body into my car or my tent.... bring it.... hahahah Didnt happen!!! Anyway.. we went to Indianola Park.. its just a bit of nothing along the coast that I found as I was wandering around. Actually the first night we spent in a LaQuinta as they are pet friendly and I got a really late start and just didnt want to set up camp in the dark. Windsor totally loved the plush pillows...hahahahh.... he is so spoiled.. The next day we hit the beach, set up camp and were lucky enough to find a picnic type setting with a block table, cover, and bbq pit.. It was perfect. I didnt have to put up the canopy because of the cover that was already there. The only real complaint I had was there were many shells in the sand which made it hard to go barefooted which is one of my favorite things at the beach. I dont usually do it other places as I am diabetic and dont take the chance on getting cut, etc. We played in the water, walked a bit, etc and just chilled. It was so relaxing. That night I splurged and cooked the best steak I think Ive ever eaten and made a batch of potato, peppers, onion and garlic mixed with butter and cooked in foil on the grill... oh my... it was ridiculously delicious. We got ready for bed as the beautiful sun was setting and you could see the lights from across the bay way in the distance. The sky was clear and the smell of the salt water was almost intoxicating. I was concerned Windsor, being his first time to the beach, might try to wander a bit so I made a decision to tie him with the only thing I had. I had forgotten a rope so I used my hammock stretched out and tied it to my wrist so if he wandered it would gently pull and wake me up..... this is where my chain of errors began. I was thirsty and put a large glass of ice water in the two man pup tent with me. Windsor and I settled down.. he was out beside the tent and i was laying on the sleeping bag as it was warm. My door was open so I could see the million stars that were beaming down on me. Said my prayers and began to doze. Just as slumber set in it started.... BAM... something spooked Windsor. During my slumber he had managed to wrap the made up leash around my little tent completely. He lunged.. In an instant I went from faceing the water to a complete flip, tent, sleeping bag, water and me , over to facing my car which was behind me initially. He had uprooted everything and the worst was the noose on my wrist was so tight I was sure my hand was broken. I screamed and am sure I probably gave the campers way down the beach .... a night mare on elm streat screech type scare. I finally got him to quit pulling and got the noose loose and could feel my hand swelling. I could only think... here we go again... am I destined to be broken? How will i go to an emergency room with my dog???? I got my tent back in place and decided to wait on the ER visit until morning. Windsor.. my big defender, now got in the tent with me and somehow I wasnt feeling too safe.. hahahah.... Well things settled and round two started. Without notice a swarm and Im not talking one or two.. Im talking nightmare amount of mesquitos flew into my tent.. I have no idea where they came from as there had been none... I couldnt slap them fast enough. Then it hit me. Thats what I forgot.. Repellent!!! I was also in shorts. I was bitten so many times I finally quit feeling it and thought who cares and fell asleep. I figured they would get full sooner or later or I would die one and at that point I didnt care. I did shew a few and zipped up the tent. Some time later in the night I awakened to being wet. At first I thought it was my spilled water glass and then I realized it was pouring rain. OK>>> hmmmmm..... im closed in a tent but water is dripping on me.. not lets see.. how does that happen? I have no idea, actually.. I could only assume that the rain was so hard and blowing sideways that it was coming up under my tent cap and pouring in. My clothes and bedding and purse and dog were soaked. Now with bug stings, wet clothes, crazy dog I said to heck with it and just dozed off as the rain continued to drench me. The next morning I peeled myself off of my wet sleeping bag, fished for a while in the beautiful calm water, swam a bit ( as the storm had passed) and packed and headed for home after a visit with my sister in law in san antonio. I love the ocean but this time I had had enough and didnt want to chance anything else happening... Thank you Lord for a safe trip home :)
Posted on: Wed, 09 Oct 2013 16:18:56 +0000

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