Well, Facebook does it again...and AGAIN, and AGAIN. They seem to - TopicsExpress


Well, Facebook does it again...and AGAIN, and AGAIN. They seem to know better than we, when its time to unpin our top post--- I mean, whats the purpose of pinning something if within a week these guys are going to unpin it, and bury it dozens if not hundreds of posts down? Anyway we post it again for ALL Newcomers... PLEASE READ before proceeding in this page so that you are familiar with our policies. IF you like our page--PLEASE LIKE IT... go up top ^^^ where it says Traditional Roman Catholic and on the thumbs up button, kindly hit-- LIKE... and even + Follow to get all our latest posts. IF you have a technical issue, please avoid a petty comment correcting those of us who are trying--you can very easily message us... and if a correction is warranted... rest assured it will be made. DO NOT place pedantic critical comments in any way demeaning to the Admins (and we have at least 3) -- oh and calling us protestant or schismatics is the quickest way to get banned permanently-- just a heads up. :) We ARE CATHOLIC TO THE CORE! PS: There are MORE than 1 ADMINS at TRC—all post AS “TRC” This is WHO WE ARE... Please READ BEFORE Liking so you know EXACTLY what this page is all about; 1.) WE are unapologetically TRADITIONAL CATHOLIC-- that means NO novus ordo apologetics... NO apologetics/excuses for the errors of Vatican II, and yes we will (as we are directed by SAINTS) call to attention when anyone--even a pope, does that which is damaging to the Holy Mother Church. 2.) We welcome ALL Traditionalists--unlike some who give the boot to people on either left or right extreme--all that we INSIST is that you keep it civil -- and DO NOT argue, especially as an apologist for ANY of the errors of VCII, or the Novus Ordo... this is a thread of rejoicing in the beauty of the Catholic Traditions... NOT for trolling or arguing back and forth over my opinion vs. yours -- we do NOT tolerate that. if you wish to defend the indefensible--this is not the place for you! Yet even staunch traditionalists are expected to KEEP IT CIVIL. 3.) Share with your CATHOLIC friends! However... Please DO NOT take our artwork (the memes which WE have put together) and clip off, or otherwise alter using things like smudge or paint to remove our name (that of Traditional Roman Catholic) then post it somewhere else. We have noticed a couple of places taking the fruits of our labors and actually spending time to erase our name. This is both deceitful and un-Catholic. We will always leave names that are already on a picture there (as we did with the Fr. Francis picture).. we expect the same courtesy from other websites--yes the message is the most important thing; but fairly putting credit where it is due is also very important--and actually spending time to REMOVE the names -- well thats over the edge and in the future we WILL call people out on it for doing so. -- That said, please read the next two lines, and welcome to our page. This is our CREED! Newcomers to the page, please click on about (top of page) for a brief summary of rules with regard to our page-- and Dominus Vobiscum! Be sure to START on the picture top-left (black and white the girls receiving Holy Communion -- from there on its in sequence.)
Posted on: Sat, 01 Nov 2014 23:00:47 +0000

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