Well Folks, yesterday Hunka and I went to the County Fair, now we - TopicsExpress


Well Folks, yesterday Hunka and I went to the County Fair, now we couldn’t take Juliet but we made sure she was comfortable and safe, but she was happy to see us when we got home. But yesterday was fun, of course the sales people were “Bally-hooing” their wares, of which I bought some Faire Fudge, and Hunka bought some things, but we were careful we only bought what we really wanted, not some strange stuff---and me I LOVE chocolate. Oh I am soooo tired from yesterday that I seriously over slept this morning, I am not use to so much walking, but we had Fun!!! And we had great weather, not overly hot and with a cool breeze, it could not have been more perfect, I just wish we had more time, but we did have to get home to Juliet. But we trusted her and she was good, just tossed the bed covers, but she was good. And we kept hydrated too, cant be too careful. The food stuff that was being offered, just unbelievable, I mean strange food offerings!!! Enough to give a person a heart attack or serious High Cholesterol levels, I mean TALK about Unhealthy!!! But fun! But Hunka and I, we remained sane, we did not go overboard, no sense getting sick you know. But it was deep fried watermelon, Oreo cookies, deep fried Pineapple upside down cake, deep fried pickles and deep fried pretzels, WHAT IS WITH THIS DEEP FRYING KICK??? If it can be deep-fried they will do it. Thank Goodness they didnt deep-fry bananas but that might be next! Or its something on a stick, I mean anything and almost everything, gotta be on a stick, I was laughing at that. Oh they also had the hot dogs, corn dogs, pizza, hamburgers, Pulled pork, funnel cakes with fruit, serious curly fries and I mean a heaping plate of that as well as Big Bad Bubbas BAR-BEE- QUE with Ribs and Turkey legs! But we ate simply and lightly although I did have my frozen banana and Hunka had his chocolate dipped ice cream. And we learned from an old timer why some guys put a dash of salt in their beer, Hunka thought it was a Southern thing but really ---it’s to kill the fizz so you wont bloat, so you can drink more beer. DUH!!! We learned from him about moonshining and other stuff, the old timer was so wanting to tell folks, and Im glad that we listened. I learned so much, dem younguns bettah watch out. We saw Ace as Capt. Jack Spareribs do his show, His show was fun, he did some magic, some juggling, and ventriloquism with his Monkey Vent Doll and it all worked theme based. Hunka loved the way he did topsy-turvy bottles and the finish, that worked real well. I could tell in Hunka’s eyes hed love to get back into doing shows but he was honest with me, his heart could not take the strain, but I liked the fact that it personally energized him, hopefully to at least do close up magic. But here is the strangest thing that happened. And I’ve got to tell my cousins this, yesterday was 20 years to the DAY, when my Mom passed away---TO THE DAY….And This happened….. We had just looked at the live animals and we were walking back towards the open air market near the Red Gate, and then we saw this team of Clydesdale horses, not Budweiser but Serria Rock Crushing company, now there was this other couple about our age with their teen boy. I was mentioning to them about the position of the horses to them and they were interested and then I turned and took a serious look at the man and his face looked very familiar to me, so I said to him, You know your face reminds me of my Cousin Mitchell.... and the guys and his wifes face took a serious look but I continued ... and his brother Michael Brum. The look on their faces I will never forget, he looked at me and said Cousin...? and I took of my hat and sun glasses and he yelled ...CLAIRE!!!!! We hugged and hugged each other tightly and kissed and cried and Hugged and hugged for at least a good 5 minutes, So Hunka turned to Cousin Mikes wife and they said “Hi” to each other and talked while my Cousin and I continued Hugging, it felt REAL GOOD. Well finally after we all calmed down Mike introduced me to his wife we hugged and Kissed and his step son Arthur I gave him a kiss and he was happy, we stood there for nearly two hours talking and laughing and catching up, he even called his brother Mitchell and I talked to him for a while on the Cell phone while Hunka and my cousin caught up on everything. Oh we did not want to separate there were happy tears in our eyes, he said he was going to call his sister my Cousin Karen, It was fantastic, I gave him my card with my phone number and address on it. But we did have to eventually go our separate ways but we have GOT to have a family get together. For the rest of the day I kept saying I cant believe it, meeting my cousin this way at the County Fair and Hunka replied Well Jeff Foxworthy said if you want to meet your relations just go to the County or State Fair and that is exactly what happened. But then last night, just as I was getting into bed with a happy smile on my face and a ton of aching muscles from all that walking , it hit me like a ton of bricks. That day was the 20th Anniversary of my Mom’s passing and that was the last time I saw my Cousin until yesterday at the County Fair. I can’t help but feel that my Mom had a hand in that. Thanks Mom!
Posted on: Fri, 20 Jun 2014 21:58:30 +0000

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