Well God does have a great since of humor and gives us some if the - TopicsExpress


Well God does have a great since of humor and gives us some if the most greatest lessons in some of the weird ways I did use to have to handle every situation in mine and brad hunts marriage and family as specially those that would may be not make u look so great where u had to just be straight forward honest and stand your ground when u knew u were right this is a fact.so last night me and my grand son get on the elevator and yes he pressed the emergency button for help well a security guard was on there with us so the woman asked if we needed help here I am trying to stop my little angel and his quick little fingers from pressing any more buttons also not knowing what to do and there is the security Guard asking me what to do he said this never happened to me I dont know what to do how to turn it off so the doors opened and I hurried up and got off with Blaise and told him u handle it well the doors shut and I taught he had moved so I pressed the button AGIAN the same elevator opens up so me and Blaise get on and what does the security guard do he hurries up and gets off and tells me u handle it I dont know what to do and saids I am Taking a different elevator hey mister brad remember u told me and my sister do not worry do I old brad got this if I have to I will call security hey what a complete proved. Fact handle your own problems follow your own heart and souls and let God Guide u that real Security and the greatest guaranty for life so old brad get on that elevator and stay as high as that echo arrogant cocky pride has u but do look out just like that u will one day have to handle all of what u did not
Posted on: Mon, 02 Dec 2013 15:46:05 +0000

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