Well, Here is MY 3 MONTH REPORT on VISI with MY PERSONAL RESULTS. - TopicsExpress


Well, Here is MY 3 MONTH REPORT on VISI with MY PERSONAL RESULTS. I know your all going to think....SURE and that is ok. You dont have to become involved but if I asked you one question Is there was one thing about your health youd like to change and improve? and you had a answer....I truly would say these products are for you. I have never experience such results in my life. DAY 1 - The very first time I tried it I had one Hydrolyzed Collagen Chew and the lady that gave it to me said wait about 20 minutes, just give it time and you will not be hungry. I can be totally honest with you, The time pasted and I can not say if it was that or it did work. I was so interested in the event that maybe I just forgot about it but a hour or so later after the event I was walking into the Nanaimo Casino and as I walked across the parking lot to enter the door I thought...well that was different - I had a spring in my step as strange as that seems. Later on the way home from Nanaimo again I thought something is different and I took my glasses off, put them on and did that several times and again thought hummmmmmmm. Your going to keep hearing stories like this as it is happening to several of my friends. 3 MONTHS AGO - I started using the products on a regular bases and I noticed another difference.......no pain, it was just gone. Pretty close to 3 years ago I broke my ankle and after wearing a boot/crutches for 4-5 months I mess up my knee and my knee would buckle at no notice plus it has been swollen for well over 2 years. I had tried prolotherapy and it had help a bit but still had issues. Doctor said down the road I would probably have to have surgery and I am hoping to put that off as long as possible and right now I am thinking I will not have to have it at all. So, I can honestly say within 2 weeks after I started using the products my ankle did NOT hurt, the swelling in my knee was GONE and my knee has not buckled which used to happen without notice. What can I say...sure a nice feeling! 2 MONTHS USING VISI - You may all remember me saying I fell flat on my face in the parking lot at the hospital and could not walk and was to be on crutches for at least 5-6 days. Had it x-rayed and thank goodness it was NOT broken. The next morning I woke up and thought.....OK what is this day going to bring......stretched, rolled over and then attempted to get up. I could NOT stand on it the day before or put weight on it.....I stepped slowly and was amazed that I could stand on it. Yes it was tender but I very slowly walked across the room and thought You got be kidding me I was AMAZED and all I had done was take 3 Hydrolyzed Collagen chews with a protein shake at supper and then again about 1 in the morning i had another shake and a couple of chews. The only reason I did that was I had read somewhere when doing my research that If you took it during the night that is when it will do the body the most good and healing will begin to occur. I thought well, I guess I will give it try as I hurt so bad and it bloody worked. This is crazy!I I had 2 markets to do that weekend and I managed to get through both of them......yes I moved a little slower but no one could tell what happened. Yes I was tired by the end of the day and it was swollen but I made it though the day and just did the same thing again. Doubled up on the products and put it up and rested. Never did use crutches and I have never looked back. THIS PAST MONTH - I added on product called Trimma and I have since gone from a size 14 down to a 10 -11 depending on the brand and still need to tighten up around the tummy area etc but I think you all saw the post about my pants almost falling off. I am not joking but I am not ready to post the pictures quite yet....only in private if you ask but I am impressed and couple of my friends are enjoying the same results. THIS PAST WEEK AFTER 3 MONTHS ON THE PRODUCTS - I drove to Nanaimo on Saturday and again I noticed that something was different. Your going to laugh....my nose was itchy and I took my glasses off for a second and looked around and thought....what is going on? I took my glasses off and on many times and went WOW. How can this be, everything is so much clearer and drove most of the way without them. You are going think I am nuts but my distance vision has improved. My near vision does not seem to have improved but for me to drive without my glasses and feel comfortable in pretty darn amazing. I have worn them for many many years and if this keeps up I hope I will only need reading glasses. Now, that would be really nice but time will tell I guess and we will we see when I go for my next check up. TODAY - I can only say I feel so blessed that someone took the time to share these products with me and I look forward to enjoying whatever else this company produces.. Check this out!!! dreamit.myproject20 They are nothing short of amazing and like I mentioned earlier if there is anything you would like to improve or change about your health - these products are for you without a doubt. Will you have the same results....I can not promise you that but I feel confidant you will notice some amazing results of your own and if not they do offer a money back guarantee. You really do have nothing to loose. PM me for samples.
Posted on: Tue, 26 Aug 2014 05:35:17 +0000

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