Well..Here is the article if anyone wants to read it:) It - TopicsExpress


Well..Here is the article if anyone wants to read it:) It published on our Scentsy Workstation today as July Outstanding Sponsor!! A dream come true right here for this girl!! SASHELLE BROADBENT- JULY 2013 OUTSTANDING SPONSOR Sashelle Broadbent was introduced to Scentsy in 2006 when her cousin gave her the warmer right off of her nightstand. “I was a college student at the time, so it wasn’t in the budget to reorder. I was doing good to eat Top Ramen! Needless to say, that experience was cut short, but it gave me the opportunity to fall in love with it all over again. Four years later, I bought a Skinny Dippin’ Travel Tin and couldn’t stop talking about how awesome my car smelled every time I got in it. After that, life of the candle and wick was no more in our house.” Something was missing in Sashelle’s life when she made the decision to enroll as a Consultant. “I was a stay-at-home mother of two-year-old twins and the wife of an amazingly hard-working man. On the outside I had it all, but when I reflected, I felt something huge was missing. I hung a bachelor’s degree in human resource management on the wall, had a resume with extensive experience on it for my age, seven years of high-level sales, but it wasn’t in the cards after having the babies to go back to all of that. I struggled with panic attacks, mental health, and post-partum depression and felt major guilt about having to make a decision to put my babies in daycare so I could be a ‘career woman.’ I needed intellectual stimulation and the chance to influence people again while staying with my babies. Scentsy saved my life because I could have it all if I worked hard enough for it. Since having the twins in May 2009, I have not had to go back to a ‘real job,’ thanks to my husband and Scentsy.” Sashelle enrolled after helping her mom through a holiday season. “My mom swore up and down about Scentsy and joined to make commission on her own orders. I knew I was going to get free product and I was excited. In August 2011, she joined and I helped her launch her Scentsy business through the holiday season that year. In January, she asked me to help her out even more since she had a full-time job and hadn’t planned for her Scentsy business to take off like it did. I joined the next month in February 2012, and haven’t looked back since.” While Sashelle admits building a business requires commitment, it’s also very rewarding. “Like everything in life, success takes hard work and dedication. This is no different with Scentsy; however, I am surprised at how attainable the incentive trips are. Having the opportunity to earn something so lavish with no strings attached is a dream come true. Last year’s incentive trip to Costa Rica was life changing; I met amazing people and formed friendships that will last forever. This would never have been made possible without the Scentsy opportunity.” Sashelle’s favorite part about her Scentsy business has been building a team and sharing their success. “I find such satisfaction in rejoicing in the small accomplishments of everyone on my team. I love the enthusiasm of new recruits and the infectious vibe they bring to the team. I love watching marriages be saved, health and wellness be resurrected, and relationships strengthened all because Scentsy gives us an identity and a positive outlet that makes us feel better about ourselves. Having a team is like having a safety net. These people want me to succeed, they want each other to succeed, and they want to succeed themselves. On days that are tough, or months that are slow, knowing that someone else is right there with you makes getting through it doable.” Sashelle loves to see the reactions customers have to fragrance. “I love to see the smile on people’s faces when they find a scent that resurrects a memory and better yet, lends itself to making new ones. It is very important to me for a home to feel warm and cozy and I believe Scentsy is the key in achieving that.” The success Sashelle has achieved in Scentsy is shared with her entire family. “Scentsy gives me the opportunity to be flexible in my schedule, run a family business, involve my husband and kids in my work, and have an income. Scentsy has given me another purpose in life and something to be very proud of. This year we have been able to buy our first brand new car and build our family a home. We are blessed every day that Scentsy has come into our lives.” Sashelle stresses that knowledge is critical for Consultants wanting to build their business. “Do whatever it takes to be motivated and informed on the business level. Know your Workstation, Resources, and News tab. Consistently touch base with your downline, encourage and support them, establish relationships and boundaries, and praise any and all achievements. Also, be yourself, be transparent, and be the example of success! Don’t just talk the talk, walk the walk like no one before.”
Posted on: Wed, 21 Aug 2013 03:09:19 +0000

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