Well, I am making progress on the album thing. Still needs more - TopicsExpress


Well, I am making progress on the album thing. Still needs more work. A few more Mabel House photos. I am on a short turn around at home in Ft. Lauderdale where I preached on Sunday, went to a worker justice training Monday and have various meetings this week to plan weddings and future services. My young house mate Alex is in California with his family so I am just living with open suitcases and dong loads of wash and getting reading to fly out again on Friday morning for a week at World Fellowship in the New Hampshire White Mountains and then 4 days in Boston with my long time friend, writing collaborator and traveling companion John Rossi. I am not totally well but I am not coughing much and my doctor has given me something she thinks will help with my ears on the plane. After that I guess I am home for a while or I may still try to get to my 50th high school reunion if I am feeling up to it. This supposed to be a sabbatical year so I will be spending a lot of time traveling, writing and doing other study projects. I appreciate all your likes and comments.
Posted on: Wed, 07 Aug 2013 04:41:13 +0000

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