Well I did not think anyone besides my wife and daughter would - TopicsExpress


Well I did not think anyone besides my wife and daughter would remember this day two years ago but seems like I have underestimated by big brother cause he did not forget. Not a big thing but a day I will never forget. I was in UVA waiting to go into surgery to either repair or replace my mitral valve. My family was there as always including our Uncle Dubby...Henry Conner. Well what I did not know until I came to was that I had a new partner that would be with non stop until I had my transplant. Some of you will remember but I came out with my LVAD or better known as a heart pump...left ventricular assist device. Needless to say I was surprised...I was now like the energizer bunny... I ran off of batteries or had to plug in to an outlet. As a few days went by I decided my new sidekick needed a name and after much thought Oscar was born. He was a loyal companion, he never left my side. I tried to find him a female companion but just never worked out. He stayed connected to me for seven and one half months. He was a good listener...we laughed together and yes we would cry together but he was always there for ole Victor. I do not sit here and tell you this story for you to feel sorry for me but a my prayer is for each of you to rejoice and celebrate with me. We never know what life will throw at us but through God we can handle anything and I do mean everything. This pump was the bridge to my new heart...did I like it? At first I did not due to the fact it was an entire different way of leaving that we are use to. There was so much to learn in a short period of time and sometimes I would get mighty low...not just about the LVAD but what I was going through. I never asked God why me? One day I will get that answer and that is fine with me. The only question Ive asked is why Lord did you take my brother Todd Cooper and leave me here? And my answer He needed a solid drummer and I needed to practice some more.. But one day we will both be in the Heavenly band...I just hope it is country...the real country...lol. My advice...life is short and we must be prepared for whatever card is dealt...I was prepared to move on...I knew that whatever Gods desire was for me I would be OK. I pray each of my family members and many many friends can say like I did...regardless Ill be OK. I love you all and Im so thankful for my family team at UVA cause they are my family, my personal family because without them giving me support and not only loving me but showing it, my donor and their family but most of all...My God. As the 23rd Psalm says...David said the Lord is MY Shepherd...he did not say a Shepherd, our Shepherd...he said My Shepherd. So my last words on this two year anniversary of Oscar and myself...be ready, be prepared because we never know what can, could or will happen.. God Bless each of you! Very soon my musical friends know as my heart beat rhythm makers along with myself will start my CD and without my faith I would not be here to make it happen! I have been BLESSED!
Posted on: Wed, 06 Aug 2014 23:50:36 +0000

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