Well, I didnt get selected fro the Planning Steering Committee at - TopicsExpress


Well, I didnt get selected fro the Planning Steering Committee at Arcosanti. I had a gut feeling that this would happen. So that door is closed. My dream of moving back to Arcosanti in the near future have just been crushed. I have to re-think what I am doing with my life. A friend told me was the chosen for the research and brainstorming group. I didnt even get on a group. Do I really think I will be contacted later? NO. Another life identity crisis to go through. 1 SEP 2014 Fellow Arcosanti Alum, Libby, Thank you! Thank you. This is how we feel, in fact, since you and over 50 of your acquaintances applied to the Cosanti Foundation Strategic Plan Steering Committee a few weeks ago. We will announce the makeup of that committee a day from now. Today, we want to let you know that your name is not included on this initial list. Here is why we made the decision we did about the committee: frankly, we think your particular skills and experiences will be more useful in the specific detailed brainstorming and planning that will go on after the committee’s initial organization in the several Working Groups that are yet to be developed. We ask that you retain your level of enthusiasm for Cosanti and for this planning initiative; it is a very fluid and complex undertaking, and one that we hope you will take part in over the coming year-and-a-half, in a way that will be both gratifying to you and useful to the project. So, thank you again, Doctress. We do look forward to your contribution to this important (and lengthy) process. The committee will be in touch with you personally about all this as Working Groups are established, over the next couple months. Sincerely. The Board of Directors, Cosanti Foundation Russell Ferguson Mary Hoadley Michel Sarda Jeff Stein Tomiaki Tamura Roger Tomalty
Posted on: Tue, 02 Sep 2014 16:43:55 +0000

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