Well I feel like every new year my family always says hopefully - TopicsExpress


Well I feel like every new year my family always says hopefully this year will be better than the last. And once again we find ourselves faced with death, heartache, pain, and times of pure sadness. And it got me thinking we have all had our share of pure hell but we have also come together and had amazing times of pure joy. We may have lost loved ones but have gained new ones, a special little peanut in particular for me, who we all know and love as my sweet little Jaxon. He has brought an indescribable joy to my life and to the life of my family. Through the lowest of lows and the highest of highs, on days I felt I could no longer pick myself up and brush off the dirt and pain, God has remained, unmoved, unchanged, steady as a rock and bounding in love, hope, and most of all Grace. He reminds me every day of all that I have to be thankful for and to keep my eyes focused on him. Pain comes with life, death comes with life, but Love also comes with life. we are not meant for this world. Every year will come with its new struggles but it will also come with its new gifts and blessings and a hope to hold on to. His ways or not our ways. So with this new year as it approaches so quickly I beg all of you to remember to focus on the positive and the good that God has done in our lives . Without faith and hope we have nothing . In the beginning of this past year I lost someone who meant the world to me and just a few days later I found out that I was pregnant with the greatest gift God could have ever given me . With every heartache God has healed and has shown us just how Merciful he is . That is why, for Christs sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong. Happy New Year everyone, thank you to everyone who has been apart of my life , for all your love and support it means more then I can ever thank you for. I love you all, may you have a happy, safe and healthy knew year. God bless ❤
Posted on: Thu, 01 Jan 2015 05:06:30 +0000

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