Well I finished the project that I have been working on (if you - TopicsExpress


Well I finished the project that I have been working on (if you dont know the project refer to the post I wrote a few days ago) but after a week of writing and 4 days of editing, I feel that it is ready......enjoy. BATMAN: THE KNIGHT REBORN Setting- Gotham City outside of the Monarch Theater- 15 Years Earlier Martha Wayne- “So Bruce, did you enjoy the play” Bruce Wayne- “Yes, mother I enjoyed it” Thomas Wayne- “Come on, let’s cut through the alley” Martha Wayne- “Thomas I don’t think this is a good idea; it’s late and we need to get Bruce to bed” Thomas Wayne- “It is a shortcut Martha, just trust me” Thomas leads Martha and Bruce into the alley and halfway down the alley, they are stopped by a man dressed in dark who was hiding in the shadows. The man pulls a gun on them. Joe Chill- “Alright lady, hand over the pearls around your neck and as for you pops, empty your wallet….Now” Martha Wayne- “Just do what he says dear; there is no need for trouble” Thomas lunges at Joe Chill and lands a strike to the face but fails to knock the gun away. A dazed Joe Chill reaches the gun up and fires three shots into the chest of Thomas Wayne. Thomas falls over….dead. Bruce and Martha scream in terror. Martha runs to Thomas. Joe Chill- “Now the pearls or the kid is next” Martha Wayne- “You monster, you killed him….you killed my husband” Joe Chill rips the pearls off of Martha’s neck then aims the gun at her then fires three shots into her chest. Martha falls over on top of Thomas dead. Bruce screams and cries in a fit of terror. Joe Chill approaches Bruce, his face still covered by the shadows, smiles at him with the intent of intimidation then runs the opposite direction. A traumatized Bruce runs to the lifeless bodies of his parents and screams. Moments later, two men walk up to Bruce. Jim Gordon- “I am Detective James Gordon with the GCPD and this is my partner Harvey Bullock, what is your name son.” Bruce Wayne- (reluctantly) “My name is B...Bruce Wayne.” Harvey Bullock- “Wait, did he just say Wayne, like the Wayne Enterprise Wayne’s. They were the richest people in Gotham and now they’re stiffs.” Jim Gordon- “Detective Bullock, that is enough, can’t you see he has already been through enough!” Jim Gordon- “Don’t worry son, we are going to do everything we can to find the monster who did this.” Bruce Wayne- “Do you promise?” Jim Gordon- “I promise.” Harvey Bullock- “We should take him back to the station and from there we can decide what to do with him.” Jim Gordon, a rookie detective and only honest cop in Gotham City, helps Bruce to his car and they drive to the police station. Bruce steps in and Jim leads him to his desk. Bruce sets down and Jim tries to get an unresponsive Bruce to open up. Jim Gordon- “Bruce, do you remember anything that happened tonight?” Bruce Wayne- “No, it all happened so fast.” Jim Gordon- “That’s okay” Bruce Wayne- “Wait, before my father died, he hit the man that killed my parents.” Harvey Bullock- “Did he draw blood?” Bruce Wayne- “I don’t think so” After a few hours of questioning, Harvey and Jim is called into the office of the corrupt Police Commissioner Gillian Loeb. Harvey walks into the office and sits down but Jim remains standing. Commissioner Loeb- “Why is the kid still here Harvey?” Jim Gordon- “His parents was killed Commissioner!” Commissioner Loeb- “I am aware of this but I wasn’t talking to you rookie.” Harvey Bullock- “Jim’s right Gillian, we are just trying to catch the guy responsible for the murder of Gotham City’s richest family.” Commissioner Loeb- “Well this isn’t a case for us, I am handing the case to the Major Crimes Unit.” Jim Gordon- “You can’t do that Commissioner, I made him a promise that I would find their killer!” Commissioner Loeb- “Don’t make promises that you can’t keep, now get out of my office and get him out of my station!” Jim Gordon and Harvey Bullock storms out of Commissioner Loeb’s office and they walk back down to Bruce. Jim sits down at his desk and speaks to Bruce. Jim Gordon- “Is there anybody that I can call for you Bruce?” Bruce Wayne- “Yes, Alfred Pennyworth” Jim Gordon- “What is your relation to Alfred?” Bruce Wayne- “He is our butler.” Jim Gordon makes the call to contact Alfred Pennyworth, who then shows up to the precinct. A horrified Alfred walks up to Bruce Wayne. Alfred Pennyworth- “Master Bruce, oh my God, I am so sorry!” Bruce Wayne runs up and hugs Alfred Pennyworth. Bruce Wayne- “Alfred, I’m glad you’re here.” Jim Gordon- “You must be Alfred, I’m Detective Gordon.” Alfred Pennyworth- “Thank you for contacting me Detective Gordon, but if it is okay, I would like to take Master Bruce home now.” Alfred Pennyworth and Bruce Wayne stand up and proceed out of the precinct. Alfred assists Bruce into the car and they leave to go back to Wayne Manor. Back inside of the precinct, Commissioner Loeb stands on the second level watching Bruce leave. Jim looks up to the Commissioner and gives him a look of disgust. Gotham City Airport- 3 Years Earlier Vicki Vale- “This is Vicki Vale here waiting for the arrival of Gotham City’s own Bruce Wayne!” (Flashback) Bruce Wayne departed Gotham City when he was the age of 18 for unspecified reasons. It is discovered that he left Gotham City to train his body and his mind to withstand extreme punishment by going to the most dangerous places and trying to find the fabled Ra’s Al Ghul. Bruce finds a temple deep in the Arctic, the temple doors open and he walks inside. (Present) A private jet lands on the airstrip and when the jet comes to a complete stop, a full-grown Bruce Wayne steps out wearing a $2,000 suit carrying his bags and he is greeted by Vicki Vale. Vicki Vale- “Mr. Wayne, if I could have a moment of your time please?” Bruce Wayne- “Okay Mrs…..” Vicki Vale- “Oh yea, Mrs. Vale….Vicki Vale with the Gotham City News.” Vicki Vale- “So Mr. Wayne, how does it feel to be back in Gotham City after all of these years?” Bruce Wayne- “Well, it feels good, I mean this is my home and no matter where you go or how long you are gone, you always got to come back home.” Bruce Wayne- “Now if youll excuse me Vale, I have somewhere to be.” Vicki Vale- “Thank you for your time Mr. Wayne.” Bruce Wayne approaches the car that is waiting for him and waiting by that car is Alfred Pennyworth. Bruce walks up to Alfred then sets his bags down and hugs Alfred. Alfred Pennyworth- “Master Bruce it is so good to see you, how was your journey?” Bruce Wayne- “It was good Alfred, I learned a lot…e on and I will tell you about it.” Alfred opens the car door for Bruce and Bruce gets in then Alfred gets in the car and they leave the airport. Bruce tells Alfred about everything he witnessed on his journey and all of the experiences he had. They drive by the Gotham City Police Department and Bruce asks Alfred to stop the car. Alfred reluctantly parks the car and Bruce steps out. Bruce walks into the Police Station. Bruce Wayne- “Excuse me, I am looking for Detective Jim Gordon, I am an old friend.” The officer points Bruce into the direction of Jim’s desk. Bruce walks over to the desk and Jim Gordon looks up. At first he doesn’t recognize his face but then Jim gets a better look at Bruce’s face then he stands up and welcomes him back. Jim Gordon- “Well if it isn’t Bruce Wayne as I live and breathe, how have you been?” Bruce Wayne- “I have been good, Detective.” Jim Gordon- “Please, call me Jim” Bruce Wayne- “Alright Jim, it is strange with the skills that you have, I thought that you would have been promoted by now.” Jim Gordon- “Yeah, you would think that huh, but apparently nobody wants to move an honest cop up in Gotham City.” Bruce Wayne- “I’m sorry, I don’t follow Jim.” Jim Gordon- “This Police Force is corrupt Bruce, even though you may not want to see it but it is there and Commissioner Loeb is in the pocket of Carmine Falcone!” Jim Gordon- “I have spent years trying to clean up this precinct but I guess I can’t change it.” Bruce Wayne- “Just keep faith Jim, I know you will be the instrument of change for this city.” Bruce and Jim continued to talk for several more minutes then Bruce left the precinct and got into the car then proceeded to Wayne Manor. Alfred parked the car and opened the door for Bruce. Bruce steps out of the car and is relieved to see the house that he was raised in once again. Alfred walks up to the Mansion door and opens it. Alfred Pennyworth- “Welcome home Master Bruce!” Bruce walks inside and sets his bags on the floor. Bruce starts to reminisce about his childhood when he would play with Alfred in the hallway. He walks around the mansion remembering all of the good times that he had, but he also starts to remember the tragedy that happened to his parents, the event that changed him. Alfred Pennyworth- “Are you okay Master Bruce?” Bruce Wayne- “Yea, I’m fine Alfred….just looking around that’s all.” Alfred Pennyworth- “Take your time Master Bruce, I will take your things and unpack them for you.” Bruce continued to look around then he started to have a flashback after he witnessed the murder of his parents, when he was laying beside their bodies. He looked into the dark sky as the rain fell onto his face, he saw a large bat flying toward him. His face lost all expression as he was caught by the fear of that bat. He still remembered the fear that bat brought him. Bruce turned around and went downstairs. He opened the front door then walked outside and started to walk through the yard. He continued to walk until he walked on unstable ground and it collapsed beneath him. Bruce fell at least 30 feet below ground. Alfred heard the loud bang and ran outside to where the hole was. Alfred looked down the hole and saw Bruce. Alfred Pennyworth- “Master Bruce are you alright!” Bruce Wayne- (in pain)- Yeah, I just fell through the ground but I’m fine.” Bruce stood up and as he started to rise, a swarm of bats flew at him. He ducked but the fear that he once felt with that bat at the crime scene had returned. Bruce stood up and realized that the fear he felt with the bat can be used to those he vowed to bring to justice. Bruce Wayne- “Hey Alfred, how hard would it be to set up some stuff down here?” Alfred Pennyworth- “What do you mean stuff Sir?” Bruce Wayne- “Oh I don’t know, maybe some kind of operations base or command center….something like that.” Alfred Pennyworth- “And why would you want to do that Master Bruce?” Bruce Wayne- “I have my reasons Alfred, but how hard would it be?” Alfred Pennyworth- “Not hard at all Master Bruce, we just need to make sure that we put up supports.” Bruce Wayne- “I think it is time that I made my return to Wayne Enterprises.” Later, Bruce is in Gotham City with Alfred and they stand outside of the Wayne Enterprises building. They walk into the building and Bruce is greeted by an old family friend, Lucius Fox. Lucius Fox- “Bruce Wayne, it has been a very long time!” Bruce Wayne- “Lucius, I thought you retired?” Lucius Fox- “Well I tried to but it just didn’t seem to fit” Bruce Wayne- “Well since we are both here, can we talk in your office?” Lucius Fox- “Or we can talk in your office.” Bruce Wayne- “Wait what do you mean my office?” Lucius Fox- “Follow me, Mr. Wayne.” Lucius Fox led Bruce up to the very top level of the Wayne Enterprises building then he handed Bruce a Master Key Card with CEO written on it. Bruce used the key card and opened the door. Bruce Wayne- “CEO, you do realize I never officially stepped into my Father’s position after he died?” Lucius Fox- “That may be true but I have been holding that card for as long as I could remember, just waiting for you to walk into this building and assume control just like your father wanted.” Bruce Wayne- “Thank you Lucius, this means a lot but I have a matter that I need to discuss.” Bruce walked behind his new desk and sat down and Lucius sat down as well. Bruce started to tell him everything about the bat he saw at his parents’ crime scene and the caves under the mansion and he told him about the vow he took when his parents were murdered. He asked Lucius to help him fulfill that vow and help him become the hero he needed to be. Lucius Fox- “I don’t know what to say, Bruce….I mean what you are throwing at me right now is something crazy, but I see in your eyes that this is what you want.” Lucius Fox- “Alright I’ll do it, I’ll help you build your…..Batcave.” Bruce Wayne- “Thank you Chairman Lucius.” Over the next few months Alfred, Bruce, and Lucius would build the Batcave. Lucius obtained all of the equipment from the research wing of Wayne Enterprises off the books so there was no record of anything that could be traced back to Bruce or even Lucius. Three months had went by and the Batcave was finished. Lucius Fox- “You know that to be a hero, you are going to need more than a secret base Bruce?” Bruce Wayne- “I know” Lucius Fox- “Lucky for you, I have been developing some stuff in private that you might find necessary for your heroic deeds.” Bruce Wayne- “Oh really, you have been holding out on me Fox!” Lucius showed Bruce that private research that he developed. The Batsuit was his first development. Lucius described that it was comprised of Kevlar micro-fibers that was developed inside the suit to prevent low-rate bullet fire and being able to withstand extreme temperatures and he stated that it was durable yet maneuverable. He developed the Utility belt along with the Batmobile. Lucius described the Batmobile as being nearly indestructible and being able to out-maneuver any car, truck, or aircraft. He stated that it is made with a prototype Wayne Enterprise Carbon Steel Alloy and that it requires further testing before approval. The Batmobile is built with an internal cloak system along with a salvaged jet turbine to give the boost that it needs. It contains an onboard computer and GPS tracker as Lucius stated. Lucius continued to show Bruce his private armory and when all was said and done, he put on the suit for the first time and became what he vowed to become. Gotham City- Present Day- Midnight Bruce Wayne has been the Batman for almost 3 years but he still had much to learn and he knew that. A distress call from the Gotham Museum came across the GCPD dispatch and Bruce was listening from his now primed and ready Batmobile. He started the ignition then headed off. Batman- “Alfred, an alarm has been triggered at the Gotham Museum, I’m headed to investigate.” Alfred Pennyworth- “Yes sir, I will stall the police as long as I can” Batman- “Don’t worry about it Alfred, I will be long gone before they get there.” Bruce arrived at the museum and stepped out of the Batmobile. He started to investigate the outside and around the perimeter. He saw that a window was opened but he also noticed that there was no official signs of forced energy. He realised that either it was an inside job or that this is the work of a professional. Bruce stepped in through the window and started to investigate the inside of the museum. Bruce walked through the museum but when he cut around the corner, he got caught of guard by a kick to the face. Catwoman- “Why hello Mr. Tall, Brooding, and Handsome and who are you” Batman- “Someone you should be scared of.” Catwoman- “Oh please, this cat doesn’t scare easily, but please sweetheart, try your best...I could use a good scare.” Catwoman- “Maybe you could scare this kitty straight.” Batman- “Don’t make me hurt you Ms., just put the necklace back and I will let you walk away.” Catwoman- “Don’t worry, I like it rough.” Catwoman lunged at Batman then connected with a kick to the abdomen. Batman stepped back to regain his composure then Catwoman came at him again, but this time he caught her and threw her across the floor. Catwoman jumped up and gave Batman a flirtatious smirk while Batman stood there without emotion. This time Batman charged at Catwoman and tried to hit her but she blocked the punch, he threw another punch but that was also blocked. Every move that Batman would throw, Catwoman would block it. Catwoman- “Wow, you really know how to treat a lady!” Batman- “To bad youre not a lady.” Catwoman- “Ouch that hurt.” Outside of the museum, police sirens filled the air and the voice of Jim Gordon over megaphone was heard. Jim Gordon- “This is Jim Gordon with the GCPD, the building is surrounded so come out with your hands up!” Catwoman- “Well I guess our first dance is over and I didnt even get a kiss.” Catwoman waved at Batman then threw a flashbang pellet at him. The flashbang detonated and for a few seconds Batman was stunned. When Batman gained awareness, he turned around and realised that the woman in the black catsuit had disappeared. Then he turned his attention to the museum door because the GCPD was trying to breach it. Howard Branden- “GCPD on the ground now!” Howard Branden, the leader of the GCPD S.W.A.T team and he is also as corrupt as they come, aimed his gun and flashlight at Batman. Batman reached into his belt. Howard Branden- “I said get on the ground!” Batman crouched down on the ground and rolled a pellet on the floor to Howard’s foot. Howard looked down at the pellet then back to Batman. Before he could speak the pellet detonated and release a cloud of smoke, so Howard and the rest of the police force was unable to see. Howard Branden- (coughing)- “What is going on!” Batman made a quick exit out of the window that he came in then he got in the Batmobile and tried to make his return to the Batcave. As he drove through the streets of Gotham City, he became involved in a high-speed chase with the GCPD. They were unaware but they were unable to match the speed of the Batmobile and he lost the police with ease. Batman returned to the Batcave after his evasion of the police. Batman stepped out of the Batmobile and proceeded to the computer. Bruce pulled the mask off of his face and sat down. Alfred made his way down to the Batcave. Alfred Pennyworth- “Rough night Master Bruce?” Bruce Wayne- “I almost got knocked out by a very skilled woman in a catsuit.” Alfred Pennyworth- “Sounds like love at first sight.” Bruce Wayne- “Oh you’re funny.” Bruce accessed the computer to do further investigation on the woman in the catsuit. He found articles from old newspapers about a string of break-ins and robberies and what witnesses say was a “Catwoman” who was responsible. Arkham Asylum- the Next Day Dr. Jonathan Crane- “You cant do this, I have worked here for ten years, you just can’t fire me!” Arkham Asylum Warden- “You were experimenting on the inmates Dr. Crane, you are lucky that you are fired and not behind bars!” Dr. Crane gave the Warden a sadistic look then he looked down at his briefcase. He reached down to open it then he looked back up to the Warden. Dr. Jonathan Crane- “Tell me Warden, tell me your greatest fear….what keeps you up at nights?” Arkham Asylum Warden- “What are you talking about Dr. Crane?” Dr. Crane continued to look at the Warden and now the Warden was starting to get worried. The Warden reached over to push the security button on the desk but he was stopped by Dr. Crane. Dr. Crane continued to hold on to the Warden’s hand then he grabbed a syringe out of his briefcase then injected it into the vein of the Warden. The Warden fell back into his seat, panicking in terror as Dr. Crane sat across from him packing up his briefcase and smiling. Dr. Crane stands up and turns around to walk out the door as the Warden falls over dead from the heart attack he suffered. He walks out of the door and shuts it, with a devilish grin on his face. Back at the Wayne Manor Alfred Pennyworth- “Don’t you have a charity event to get ready for Sir.?” Bruce Wayne- “That’s today, I forgot about it.” Alfred Pennyworth- “You had better hurry, you are the host.” Bruce Wayne- “Thanks Alfred, could you get the Maserati ready for me please?” Alfred Pennyworth- “At once Master Bruce.” Bruce got ready then stepped into his Maserati GranTurismo and headed to Gotham City for the Charity Event. Bruce arrived at the event, fashionably late as usual, and walked inside while trying to avoid being ambushed by the press standing outside. Bruce Wayne- “Sorry I am late everyone, I had car troubles.” The Charity Event was underway and Bruce spent the whole time talking to Jim Gordon and thanking everyone for coming to the event. That was until, Bruce laid his eyes on a ravishing woman. Bruce Wayne- “Excuse me for a moment Jim, there is something I need to do.” Jim looked in the same direction that Bruce was looking in then he started to laugh. Jim Gordon- “Go ahead, go talk to her but before you do wipe the drool from your mouth.” Bruce looked back at Jim and laughed then he walked over to the woman in the ravishing, sparkling silver dress then he started to talk to her. Bruce Wayne- “Bruce Wayne, and you are?” Woman- “Selina Kyle, it’s so nice to meet Gotham City’s Most Eligible Bachelor.” Bruce Wayne- “Well if we get to know each other anymore then I won’t be.” Selina Kyle- “Wow, you really know how to sweep a lady off her feet.” Bruce Wayne- “Would you like to dance Ms. Kyle?” Bruce took Selinas hand and led her to the dance floor and they proceeded to dance. While they were dancing, they started to talk and get to know each other. Bruce Wayne- “So Selina what do you do?” Selina Kyle- “I am a….I work in the business of finance actually.” Bruce Wayne- “Finance huh? I wouldn’t strike you for the Bank Teller type.” Selina Kyle- “What can I say, I am a girl of many talents!” Selina Kyle- “What about you….other than being the CEO of a billion dollar company, what do you like to do for fun?” Bruce Wayne- “Well I did travel around the world, that was fun….I can take you sometime.” Selina Kyle- “Now that sounds fun, I might just take you up on that offer.” They continued to dance until Alfred contacted Bruce. Selina excused Bruce to take the phone call. Bruce answered his cell phone. Alfred Pennyworth- “Sir, the Warden of Arkham Asylum was found dead moments ago!” Bruce Wayne- “What was the cause of death?” Alfred Pennyworth- “It appears that it was a heart attack but I pulled up the Warden’s medical records and he was in prime condition.” Bruce Wayne- “That’s strange, how could a man in prime condition suddenly fall over from a bad heart?, I’ll head back to the Batcave then I’ll head to the morgue to check it out.” Alfred Pennyworth- “I’ll prepare your equipment, Master Bruce.” Bruce walked back over to Selina with a disappointed look on his face. Selena looked at him. Selina Kyle- “You have to leave don’t you?” Bruce Wayne- “I’m sorry Selina but a friend of mine was involved in an accident and I have to go see him.” Bruce headed to the door but as he was walking, Selina grabbed his arm and then gave him a kiss. She then whispered in his ear. Selina Kyle- “Call me sometime handsome.” She placed a card with her number in his front pocket then she allowed him to leave. Bruce ran down and jumped into his Maserati then headed back to the Batcave. Gotham City Morgue Batman investigates the Warden’s body, taking samples to test at the Batcave. First he takes a sample of the Warden’s blood then he notices a small injection hole from a needle. He looked closely at the site of the injection then he left with the blood sample. The Batcave Bruce sets at the computer analyzing the samples he collected from the body. Alfred walks over to Bruce holding a card. He reaches the card to Bruce. Alfred Pennyworth- “Selina Kyle, hmm…..It appears that you had a good time this afternoon Master Bruce?” Bruce Wayne- “Yeah, I did and yes Alfred I will call her.” Alfred Pennyworth- “I will hold you to that Sir.” Bruce and Alfred laughed and then the results for the blood test came back. Bruce looked at the results and he was stunned by them. It was discovered that there was traces of a hallucinogenic toxin in his blood and that led to the Warden’s heart attack. Bruce Wayne- “A hallucinogenic agent was in his blood!” Alfred Pennyworth- “What kind of agent Master Bruce?” Bruce Wayne- “I don’t know?” GCPD- The Following Day Jim Gordon sits at his desk watching Commissioner Loeb talking with Gotham City’s most powerful Organized Crime Boss Carmine “The Roman” Falcone up stairs in his office. Carmine Falcone- “I thought we had an agreement Gillian?” Commissioner Loeb- “We did….I mean do Mr. Falcone.” Carmine Falcone- “Then why have I been getting harassed by Jim Gordon?” Commissioner Loeb- “Believe me Mr. Falcone I knew nothing about this. Jim is not aware how things work in this city, don’t worry I will take care of him.” Carmine Falcone- “You better” Carmine turns around and walks out of the door then Loeb walks behind him and looks down at Jim Gordon then he orders Jim to come to his office. Commissioner Loeb- “What is wrong with you Jim?” Jim Gordon- “What’s the matter Loeb?, I am just a cop and I was doing my job.” Commissioner Loeb- “It’s Commissioner and no that was not your job, I told you that Carmine Falcone is off-limits!” Jim Gordon- “Because you’re in his pocket Loeb, I’m not stupid I see how this place is and believe me I will take you down.” Jim Gordon storms out of his office while Commissioner Loeb is left speechless. Jim walks down the stairs and is stopped by Detective Bullock. Detective Harvey Bullock- “You are wanted at the courthouse, some District Attorney wants to see you.” Jim Gordon- “Thanks Harvey” Jim walks over to his desk and grabs his coat then walks out of the door. Gotham City Courthouse- District Attorney’s Office Jim knocks on the door and walks in the office. Jim Gordon- “Detective James Gordon” District Attorney- “District Attorney Harvey Dent, thank you for your time Jim.” Jim Gordon- “No problem, but why am I here Harvey?” Harvey Dent set down and started to talk to Jim. Harvey Dent- “Why you are here Jim is because you’re an honest cop and not afraid to get in the face of Gotham’s Organized Crime.” Jim Gordon- “What are you planning Harvey?” Harvey Dent- “I am putting an end to Organized Crime and corruption in this city and I need your help.” Jim Gordon- “I will gladly help you repair this city Harvey.” Wayne Manor Bruce Wayne woke up and walked downstairs only to find that Selina Kyle was standing at the door. Selina Kyle- “You didn’t call.” Bruce Wayne- “Sorry something came up.” Selina walked up to Bruce then looked him eye to eye. Selina Kyle- “What are you going to do to make it up to me handsome?” Bruce grabbed Selina and pulled her close. Bruce Wayne- “I can think of a few things.” Gotham City Dr. Crane walks into the Police Station and asks to see Commissioner Loeb. He walks up the stairs and into his office. He sets down across from Loeb. Jonathan Crane- “I have some information on the death of the Arkham Asylum Warden.” Commissioner Loeb- “What are you talking about?, he died of natural causes.” Dr. Crane stands up and walks behind Commissioner Loeb. He puts on a mask that resembles a scarecrow with a rebreather built in to the mask. Jonathan Crane- “He didn’t die of natural causes, the Scarecrow killed him.” Commissioner Loeb- “Who’s the Scarecrow?” Jonathan Crane- “I am!” Dr. Crane, now known as the Scarecrow, grabbed Commissioner Loeb’s head and turned it sideways. He then injected his fear toxin into his neck then he whispered in his ear. Scarecrow- “Your fears will destroy you!” Commissioner Loeb- “Make it stop, No please!” Scarecrow took off his mask and packed it back into his briefcase then walked out of Commissioner Loeb’s office and out of the Police Station as the police ran to the aid of Loeb. Wayne Manor Selina and Bruce spent the majority of the day at the manor talking and getting to know each other more than they already do. Selina Kyle- “Oh look at the time, I really should go!” Selina left Wayne Manor then Alfred walked in and told Bruce that Commissioner Loeb suffered a heart attack that killed him. Bruce Wayne- “First the Warden and now the Commissioner, what is the killer trying to prove?” Bruce proceeded to the Batcave and suited up then he headed to Gotham City. He went to the police station where he found Jim Gordon on the roof. Batman- “Detective Gordon, we need to talk.” Jim Gordon- “You were the man in the museum; Put your hands up now!” Jim drew his gun and pointed it at Batman. Batman put his hands in the air showing Jim that he would comply with him. Batman- “I am not your enemy Detective.” Jim Gordon- “Oh really, from where I am standing it looks like you are.” Batman suddenly lunged at Jim and disarmed him then threw his gun off of the roof. Jim threw a punch at Batman but he was stopped and caught. Batman- “I said I am not your enemy.” Batman released the grip he had on Jim then Jim took a step back. Jim Gordon- “Alright I get it, you’re not my enemy but what do you want?” Batman- “I need you to get me a sample of Loeb’s blood.” Jim Gordon- “Are you insane, why would I do that?” Batman- “Because he was murdered, that’s why.” Jim Gordon looked at Batman for a minute then he got the sample and brought it back to Batman. Batman- “Thank you Detective” Jim Gordon- “Yeah just find out who did this then let me handle it.” Jim walked away then he turned around to tell Batman something else, but when he turned around Batman had disappeared. Batman is in the Batmobile where he uses the onboard computer to run tests on the blood sample then he contacts Alfred. Batman- “Alfred, I am sending you the tests for Commissioner Loeb’s blood, send me the results when it is complete.” Alfred Pennyworth- “Yes, Master Bruce and I have some bad news.” Batman- “What is it?” Alfred Pennyworth- “Catwoman is at it again, this time at Gotham National Bank.” Batman- “I’m on it!” Gotham National Bank Batman was in the bank and he caught Catwoman stealing money out of the vault. Batman- “You just don’t quit.” Catwoman- “There you are handsome, I knew this would get your attention.” Batman- “You’re robbing a bank to get my attention?” Catwoman- “Yes….romantic right?” Batman- “You’re delusional and it stops now!” Catwoman- “I’m a bad kitty and I need to be punished.” Batman- “Enough games Catwoman, you’re going to jail.” Catwoman- “I don’t think so sweetheart!” Catwoman reaches her leg up to deliver a kick to Batman’s face but this time Batman blocks the kick and pushes her back across the room. Catwoman jumps up, runs toward Batman then slides between his legs and she wraps his legs with her whip, swiping his legs out from underneath him and he falls to the floor. Catwoman- “What’s the matter handsome, did I sweep you off of your feet already?” Batman jumps up and stares at Catwoman. He pulls out a batarang and throws it at Catwoman. Catwoman ducks then runs toward Batman again, he is prepared for her this time as he grabs her and throws her. Catwoman jumps up once again. At this moment the GCPD S.W.A.T team busts through the door and demands that both get on the ground. Howard Branden- “That’s the guy in the suit who escaped the Museum!” Howard walks up to Batman and points a gun at his forehead. Howard Branden- “I could put a bullet in your brain right now and say that it was self- defense!” Batman stood there without emotion. Howard Branden- “How about before a kill you, I take off that mask and see who tried to kill me.” Howard grabbed Batman’s head and was prepared to take off the mask revealing his identity and then out of nowhere, Catwoman kicked Branden in the face and he staggered back. Batman gave Catwoman a look of confusion. Catwoman- “You want to get out of here alive or not!” Batman- “Fine.” Batman and Catwoman decided to team together and escape from the bank. The S.W.A.T team pursued them until Batman and Catwoman stopped running and began fighting. Batman delivered a powerful blow to Howard Branden knocking him unconscious and then he turned around and saw that Catwoman had took out the remaining S.W.A.T members. Catwoman- “To be so cute, you’re very slow…e on.” Batman and Catwoman made it to the roof of the bank. Catwoman- “Well this is where we part ways, Batman.” Batman- “I don’t think so, you still attempted to rob a bank.” Suddenly Catwoman lunged at Batman and gave him a kiss then she done a backflip off of the roof landing on the building below. Batman ran to the edge and watched as she ran from building to building. Batman shocked as he realised that the identity of Catwoman was the same woman that he spent the day with earlier, Selina Kyle. Alfred Pennyworth- “Master Bruce, the results came in and showed that the same hallucinogenic agent was present in Commissioner Loeb’s blood.” Bruce Wayne- “Are you positive Alfred?” Alfred Pennyworth- “Yes sir.” Bruce Wayne- “Pull up the address of a Detective James Gordon.” Alfred gave Batman the address of Jim Gordon, then he travelled to talk with Jim. He arrived at Jim’s address and he stepped out of the Batmobile and walked up to his house. He went in through the window in Jim’s room and waited in the shadows until he walked in. Moments later Jim walked into his room and sat down on his bed. Batman came out from the shadows. Batman- “Detective Gordon, I need information.” Jim jumped off of his bed and grabbed the gun off of his nightstand. Jim Gordon- “What are you doing in my house?” Batman- “As I said I need information and you can lower the gun.” Jim Gordon- “I’ll hang on to it, what do you need to know?” Batman- “Before Commissioner Loeb died, was he with anyone?” Jim Gordon- “Yeah he was, why is this important?” Batman- “Who was he with James.” Jim Gordon- “A Dr. Crane….Jonathan I think.” Batman- “Thank you Detective.” Batman heard a female voice coming up the steps. Jim Gordon’s daughter Barbara walked up the stairs and into Jim’s room Barbara Gordon- “Dad are you okay, why are you holding a gun?” Jim looked over to where Batman is standing then he realized that Batman had left. He looks back to Barbara. Jim Gordon- “I’m fine, just doing a quick check….goodnight Barbara.” Barbara Gordon- “Goodnight, Dad.” Barbara walked out of Jim’s room and Jim was left there still trying to comprehend what just happened. The Batcave Bruce sits at the computer searching the database for the name “Dr. Jonathan Crane” and hoping that he will get results. The database displays several records and entries for Dr. Jonathan Crane. Bruce scrolls through the results while uploading them to the automated cloud drive imbedded in his suit and into the Batmobile’s internal computer. He reads the results to himself. Bruce Wayne- “Dr. Crane is a renowned Psychologist who specializes in discovering the part of the brain that triggers fear.” Bruce Wayne- “Hmm, this interesting…..he was fired from Arkham Asylum after ten years of dedication on the same day that the Warden was murdered.” Bruce continues to read the records to himself. He finds an article of a scientific breakthrough for the development of a serum to induce fear and it states that by inducing fear, Dr. Crane can isolate the part of the brain that creates the fear and nullify it making a man completely without fear. Bruce Wayne- “That is the toxin that was found in Commissioner Loeb and the Warden, Crane is responsible for the killings….I need to find him!” Dr. Crane’s Hideout Dr. Crane sits at a table talking to himself holding his mask in his hand. He raises the mask to his face then he starts to talk. Dr. Crane- The people of this city….they scream, they cry but they have no reason to. I can give them that reason as I drag this city to it’s knees!” Dr. Crane- “I will show this city true fear, then the people can panic….then they have an excuse!” Dr. Crane stands up still holding the mask in his hand, walks over to the wall in the corner of the room. He looks at the wall then raises a panel exposing a code input device. He puts in the code and the wall in the corner of the room slides into the wall revealing a secret lab. Crane walks in and the wall slides back out behind him. Gotham City- Moments Later Scarecrow appears all over Gotham’s airwaves, hijacking all radio, television, and other communication devices. He delivers a warning message to the people of Gotham who are listening to every word. Scarecrow- “People of Gotham City, I am the Scarecrow, for years I have set back and watch this city grow and prosper….It makes me sick. I have developed a way to rectify the situation, In 30 minutes fear will fill the air and I will drive this city into oblivion. Your deepest, darkest fears will destroy you from the inside and it will drive you insane!” Scarecrow continued to talk, then the message went on a loop. Wayne Manor Bruce and Alfred listen to the message. Bruce Wayne- “This ends tonight, I am taking Crane down!” Bruce heads down to the Batcave to gather his equipment and Alfred starts talking to Bruce. Alfred Pennyworth- “I will contact Mrs. Kyle and ask her to stay here until it is safe if you would like Master Bruce.” Bruce Wayne- “I believe she will be fine Alfred.” Alfred Pennyworth- “Why is that Sir.?” Bruce Wayne- “She’s the Catwoman.” Bruce stepped into the Batmobile then headed to Gotham City to stop the Scarecrow once and for all. The Batmobile Batman is in the Batmobile heading into Gotham City. He pulls up the datafeed from the last live broadcast from Scarecrow. He tries to trace the broadcast to its source hoping that the Scarecrow is still there. He arrives in Gotham City as it’s citizens is in mass hysteria. Just then another broadcast by the Scarecrow is sent. Scarecrow- “Gotham City, the time has come…..Gotham enters oblivion now!” As Scarecrow talked, Batman used the onboard computer in the Batmobile to trace Scarecrow’s signal. Scarecrow- “In a matter of minutes, the air will fill with my fear toxin and then your precious minds will be haunted by your worst fears…..and then your heart will give out from the terror!” The trace on the transmission completes, the signal is being broadcasted at an old chemical plant near the Gotham Port. Batman locks on the location then he ignites the boost on the Batmobile and heads to the Gotham Port. Batman contacts Alfred Batman- “Alfred I have the location….I am on my way now!” Batman- “Contact the GCPD and give them an anonymous tip on the location of Scarecrow, I am sending you the location now!” Alfred Pennyworth- “Yes Sir., oh and another thing.” Batman- “What?” Alfred Pennyworth- “It appears that you have a cat on your tail Master Bruce.” Batman accesses the rear-view camera’s and looks to see Catwoman following him on a motorcycle. Batman gives a smirk. Batman- “You just don’t give up Selina.” He slows down just enough to where Selina can follow him. Batman followed by Catwoman arrive at the chemical plant. Batman steps out of the Batmobile and Catwoman steps off of her motorcycle. Batman- “What are you doing here?” Catwoman- “Is this the place where the guy with the freaky mask is?” Batman- “Why would I tell you?” Catwoman- “Because this is as much of my home as it is yours and I am not letting a guy with a fear fetish take it away from me, now handsome….is this the place?” Batman gave Catwoman a intense stare then gave yet another smirk. Batman- “Yes.” Catwoman- “Well what are we waiting for, let’s go save the city.” Batman with Catwoman by his side walk up to the front entrance. They stop and give each other a look, then they proceed into the plant. Chemical Plant Batman and Catwoman are in the plant and they are greeted by Scarecrow who is standing on the catwalk above them. Scarecrow- “Ah finally, we meet Batman and it seems that you brought a guest to share your suffering.” Catwoman- “The only person that will be suffering is you after I rip your eyes out then claw your face into little pieces!” Scarecrow- “The girl has a mouth Batman, I will enjoy watching your mind disintegrate the most.” Batman- “It’s over Crane….I am stopping this!” Scarecrow- “So you know who I am, interesting…..are you a fan of my work?” Batman- “No.” Scarecrow- “Hmm….Batman what is your greatest fear?” Batman stands in silence. Scarecrow- “Is it not being able to save those who need help or is it dying alone or maybe it’s knowing that how hard you may try….you just can’t stop me?” Batman- “I am not afraid of you, Crane.” Scarecrow- “Oh but you will be….soon everybody will be.” Catwoman- “Not while I am still breathing!” Scarecrow- “Don’t tempt me cat.” Batman suddenly throws a Batarang, missing Scarecrow but hitting a rusted support, slicing through it and making the catwalk unstable. Scarecrow falls off the catwalk and lands on the ground below. Batman and Catwoman walk over to him and stand above him. Catwoman- “Well that was easy.” Batman reaches down to pick up Scarecrow, but Scarecrow reaches and stabs Batman in the neck with a syringe full of the fear toxin. Batman grabs his neck and jumps backs. Catwoman runs to him. Catwoman- “What did he do to you!” Batman- “Get out of here Selina, now!” Catwoman is shocked by the fact that Batman called her by her secret identity. Catwoman- “Did you just call me Selina?” Batman- “I said go!” Batman starts screaming in terror, as the fear toxin makes him relive his worst fear. Batman relives the night that his parents were murdered. Batman continues to scream. While Scarecrow, now standing, laughs at Batman’s pain. Scarecrow- “It’s okay Batman, just give in to your fear….it will eventually get the best of you.” Catwoman- “Enough, I am taking you out now!” Scarecrow- “I still have enough for another dosage if you want to join your boyfriend.” Catwoman, in a fit of rage, lunges at Scarecrow kicking the syringe away from his hand then throws punches one after another then knocking him back. Batman, still under the effect of the fear toxin, falls to the floor and starts shouting to make it stop. Catwoman charges at Scarecrow then delivered a spinning kick to his face. Scarecrow is knocked back once again in a daze and Catwoman charges once more this time, although Scarecrow regains awareness and tries to inject her with the syringe. Catwoman realizes and spins behind him and knocks the syringe away. Scarecrow looks back at Batman. Scarecrow- “What is happening?, he should have been dead by now!” Catwoman approaches Scarecrow, but Scarecrow strikes her in the head with a powerful blow. Catwoman falls to the ground unconscious, and Scarecrow walks up to Batman. Batman starts to overcome the effects of the fear toxin and Scarecrow cannot believe it. Scarecrow- “What is he made of….nobody can survive the toxin!” Batman snaps out of the hallucination and grabs Scarecrow by the throat. Batman raises up, still holding him by the throat, and he takes off Scarecrow’s mask and throws it on the floor. Batman- “You’re done Crane….for good.” Dr. Crane- “What are you?” Batman- “I am your worst fear….Jonathan!” Batman knocks Dr. Crane unconscious by striking him in the side of the head with his elbow then he ties him to a support and puts the mask on his head for the police. Batman walks over to an unconscious Catwoman then crouches down beside her. Batman wakes her up, but she is in a daze. She looks over to Batman. Catwoman- “So did we win?” Batman helps her off of the ground. Batman- “The police will be here any minute now, we need to get out of here.” Catwoman- “What about him?” Batman- “He will be at Blackgate by morning.” Batman helps Catwoman out of the building then he grabs her and uses the Batclaw to zip up to a rooftop so they can evade the police. Jim Gordon steps out of the police car and looks up to see Batman standing on the rooftop above him. He gives a smirk and gives a sign of approval to Batman. Jim then turns and walks into the chemical plant. Catwoman walks up to Batman and starts to talk to him. Catwoman- “Before you started hallucinating, you called me Selina….why?” Batman- “I know who you are Selina Kyle.” Catwoman- “How do you know?” Batman- “I got my ways.” Catwoman- “You are a mystery handsome…..one that is probably worth solving.” Catwoman- “Catch you later, Batman.” Catwoman runs and hops off of the roof and lands on her motorcycle and she speeds away. 3 Days Later Bruce is invited to attend the naming of the new Police Commissioner and he brings Selina with him. Bruce and Selina sit in the seats and then the name James Gordon is called to the stage. Gotham City Mayor- “James Gordon you are the new Commissioner of the Gotham City Police Department!” Commissioner Gordon- “Thank you Mayor, and right now I want to make a promise….I promise to the citizens of Gotham City that I will clean up the GCPD and the streets!” Commissioner Gordon continued to deliver his speech about getting rid of the corruption within in the GCPD and making the precinct legitimate and respectable. The crowd raises to their feet and gives applause to the new Commissioner. Bruce and Selina walk up to Gordon. Bruce Wayne- “Congratulations, Commissioner.” Commissioner Gordon- “Don’t get formal on me now Bruce.” Selina Kyle- Congratulations, Mr. Gordon.” Commissioner Gordon- “Thank you Ms. Kyle.” Bruce and Selina walk away then Selina turns to Bruce. Selina Kyle- “So what do we do know?” Bruce Wayne- “How about the Circus.” Bruce holding Selina’s hand walks away. Post Credit Scene Blackgate Penitentiary Dr. Crane sits in a private visitation room awaiting the visitor. A strange woman walks in and throws documents on the table for Dr. Crane to read. Dr. Crane picks up the documents that says “Operation Task Force X” and “Codename: Suicide Squad”. The woman begins to speak. Amanda Waller- “I’m Amanda Waller and your services are needed for a special project.” Dr. Crane- “What project?” Amanda Waller- “Taking down the so-called heroes.” Dr. Crane- “I accept as long as I get the Batman!” Amanda Waller- “That can be arranged Scarecrow….Welcome to the Suicide Squad.” THE END
Posted on: Sun, 07 Dec 2014 08:59:33 +0000

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