Well, I gave up on the weather. Im not running outside until at - TopicsExpress


Well, I gave up on the weather. Im not running outside until at least March! With the windchill it will be -30 C, which is -22 for all my American friends. Its too cold to run outside, and believe it or not, its not because of the cold. Its because you get winded so bad, so fast! At least running in a controlled environment I can work on my breathing (nose only!) Ill call today a learning run. It wasnt as good as Tuesdays, as Im still trying to work out my Chi Running technique on a treadmill. Not as easy as you think. Since Im starting out again from scratch on the treadmill, I need two ways of thinking. Outdoor (street) and Indoor (treadmill). Tuesdays run was smooth, painfree and seemed easy. When I used to run, I tried to use as many distractions as possible, such as music when I was running to take my mind off of the work that I was doing. Now, no music, no distractions, no nothing! Its all about Body Sensing. Getting feedback from the parts of my body that are doing the work. My ankle started hurting when I was running, so as I was running, I was making minor modifications to the way my foot was landing, and after playing around for a few strides, the pain went away. This is something that I would NEVER have done in the past, and the only reason I can do it now, is that Im listening to what my body is doing when its running. If you listen, you can avoid injury. Then, Todays Challenge.....Once my run was done (40 minutes at a slow pace), I decided to put Chi Running to the test, and did a two minute run barefoot. If I was heelstriking (the number 1 cause of shin splints, and ankle/knee injuries), Id know it. Well, I ran for 2 minutes barefoot, and no pain......yet. But Ill let you know. Training is 3 days per week - 40-45 minutes per run. By March it will be up to 4 days per week, and by October, it will be 5 days a week!
Posted on: Fri, 24 Jan 2014 05:23:52 +0000

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