Well, I got to show yesterday! First time in a year Ive shown, - TopicsExpress


Well, I got to show yesterday! First time in a year Ive shown, and the first time since July 2013 that this particular horse has seen the inside of a show ring. The driving classes were at the end of the show, last classes of the day. After receiving some insight from the show organizer about how the timing generally runs, I thought 3pm would be a good time to get there, giving me plenty of time to register, dress, harness, and warm up. I wasnt even remotely close!!! We rolled in at 3:10, thinking we had at least an hour if not 2, and the driving class was waiting at the gate!!!! Fastest registration, dress, and hitch on record, I swear. I asked them for a 5 minute tack change, so I literally had a total of about 8 minutes to run to the show office, sign up, fly back to the trailer dress, harness, and hitch. Jesse received absolutely no warm up and right into the ring we went! That first class we didnt place, no wonder! LOL!!! Jesse did not do anything wrong, except for not wanting to stand during the line up. It was a reinsmanship class, so I guess that probably didnt help our cause ;) The next class was a pleasure class and Jesse placed 3rd of 7. Hes a much better pony than his driver :D Finally we did cones, but coming into a right turn, Jesse though it would be more fun to go around the outside of the cone, and we ended up running it over, which of course, the cone got stuck under the cart and we dragged it with us a good 15 feet... Got the big E for that one unfortunately. But hey, it was fun. No more shows this year, more than likely, so I was at least glad to get out and do it. In the morning/early afternoon, I worked the other 2 boys out on the trail and got in some great driving, good canter work, and just truly had a lovely (although very busy!) day.
Posted on: Mon, 04 Aug 2014 14:02:07 +0000

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