Well I guess it’s my turn for a recap…. First of all to - TopicsExpress


Well I guess it’s my turn for a recap…. First of all to everyone who attending this event, I thank you, without the players and npc’s this would not have happened and your faith in me and the GM’s to run an event for you is touching. The community got behind this event and its managers and that is what made it happen! Over the weekend I was spread fairly thin and I would like to apologise for cutting conversations short or seeming angry or stressed. There were many people I would have liked to have given my time for a chat or discussion and I hope we can still do this at a later date. The next event I run I will need more help; if I didn’t have Liz, Merrick and Alex there I don’t know what I would have done. They made me eat when I forgot, made sure I had a drink when I forgot and even forced me to sit down for a few minutes when I thought I couldn’t. The support at the Tavern was more than appreciated and Merrick went above and beyond his NPC role (even if his char was a dick, I think we can all appreciate his input!) :) This weekend was extremely player driven, the GM’s did a great job with guiding some events and setting some things in motion but to see all these people making a difference to the storyline in their own way was amazing and you should all be proud that you had an input. ALL of the npc’s deserve a drink, ESPECIALLY Luke and his bandits. Lukes dedication to his role was impressive, we had many discussions leading up to the event and he even came and scouted the property with Harry and I. He and the bandits were stretched thin this weekend after a few npc’s fell through and they did an amazing job! It’s not easy to be the bad guys and I am impressed and appreciative of their work over the weekend. The added flavour of Tim’s dungeons was a great addition to the weekend, if you enjoyed it please give Shattered Thrones a go it is a lot of fun! There were some hiccups with bookings and tickets and too those who it affected I thank you for your understanding and patience! A special thanks to Anthony and Alex for handling sign in on Friday and all others who chipped in some time here and there! Dayan’s support and encouragement for this event has been a big driver for me and he deserves the praise he has received for the tournaments and kids quests. His efforts were amazing and it was great to see them appreciated! As for the Feast! Ah Jerald, where would we be without you…. starving I would think! For $8 a head over 40 people were feed, I literally had to whip people back into the tavern to eat more!! I thank you for organising this for all of us and a big thank you to the chicken shop, the food was delicious! I do need to also mention costuming, after being around all the players this weekend and being able to look at peoples outfits I must say I was impressed. Not once did I see someone rocking jeans and runners, unless it was under a very nice tabard and armour. People’s dedication to kit and role-play deserves an applause, I am still remembering certain RP interactions and have a massive grin over them! A thanks for Michael for being our photographer for the weekend! Your guidance and feedback was much appreciated mate. Our entertainers! Gill, Alex and Melissa! I know it was an odd event for you to try and perform but your dedication at doing so was amazing; I enjoyed many a good song from all of you, even if you thought I wasn’t listening. Also Leah for her unexpected offer of your guitar skills, we thank you for the entertainment as well! I really did appreciate all of your inputs and it was good to see those of you who weren’t really LARPERS getting into it! Gill please remind me to tell you a story about why you got shanked! I found out! ;) Over the weekend I had to rely on people who I shouldn’t have had to, asking them to grab things for me or asking them to help with something though people were supportive and eager to lend a hand I apologies for taking away some of your game time. You all know who you are and next event there will be enough of us to not have to ask this of any players. I think I have said enough, though I would like to once again that David for putting forward the money to make this event happen. Seeing the community come together to make something like this possible is amazing. Everyone of you made this happen!
Posted on: Mon, 24 Nov 2014 01:29:18 +0000

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