Well I had a feeling today would be a life changing day when we - TopicsExpress


Well I had a feeling today would be a life changing day when we went to the doctor for treatment. I was wanting to talk about the tumor in my colon and take a hard look at the options I faced. All that got changed when I got there to his exam room. My MRI was not good. I have growth of the existing spots on me liver and new spots on my liver also. He stopped the current chemo because it wasnt working so no need in getting the side effects for nothing. Options right now look very limited. They are as follows. Do nothing else and live my life how I want to. Try the new drug out there that has potentially very harsh side effects. Try a past drug that has worked for me for two years, but try it this time in a different way of giving it. The pump method he wants to use put me in the hospital for two days last time we tried it. However I was also on three other chemos with it and it might have just been to much for my body to handle. This is the path I think I am going to go with after I talk to my heart doctor Monday. A maybe for heart problems still sounds better than nothing at all. The last option I have for treatment is to look for clinical trials to see if there is something out there to help me. I am not down or feeling sorry for myself because I knew this day would come sooner or later. I am praying for clarity and guidance to find and do the right thing to prolong my life for the sake of my family. In my eyes I am not defeated it just means the battle has taken on a new front and must be dealt with again in a different way. I have to research other options for treatment and try to find some answers by next Wednesday when we meet again with the doctor. I really have no idea what my future holds so if you dont mind I would gladly take prayers for some answers and to help the family deal with the decisions that we are going to have to make very soon. I still feel the war hasnt seen its last chapter just yet and I need you all who read this to think the same way and get geared up for a still fight ahead. Whatever happens I know its in Gods timeline to happen I just want it to be as pain free and stress free as possible for all involved. Positive attitude and faith have carried us this far so there is no need in dropping wither one now. I will keep you posted on the progress of things. Love to all the family and friends for the support.
Posted on: Thu, 22 Jan 2015 00:54:22 +0000

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