Well, I have 5 fully dedicated Pilgrims wanting to know what - TopicsExpress


Well, I have 5 fully dedicated Pilgrims wanting to know what happened - next so here goes. ~~~~~TORNADO WARNING~~~~~~~~~~(Lustful Lucy Part 3) “ Perhaps” I said as I turned around and headed towards the hostel. Lost in the usual churning of my brain I walked a few blocks before I realized that Lucy was not behind me anymore. I could see her in the distance, sitting on the curb with her legs stretched out into the street. “Jeez” I thought. “Now what do I do?” After several thoughtful seconds I decided I was way too tired to go back . It had been an amazing yet long day. Plus, she was way too intrusive for my comfort zone, so I stuck to the plan and kept on walking. Several blocks later I arrived at the front door of the Washington DC Hostel. My very first Hostel! I was so excited! Practically delirious. A note on the door told me to call a number and someone would let me in. I immediately dropped my backpack and began searching for my phone. I heard something .... “What’s up Silver Fox!” belted out as I looked up to see Lucy hanging out a car window. “ Can you please toss my bags Mister?” she asked the driver after rolling to a stop . (So Lucy hitched a ride. I should have known.) “Well Hi there Silver Fox Lady”, fancy meeting you here!” she said. Laughing I responded “Do I know you?” and added “ Oh wait, you are the nutty-ass chick I met a few blocks ago? I called the cops and reported a Thrift Store harassing an elderly lady. They told me no cop cars were available but they had a volunteer driving around for crazy people, I see he found you?” and laughed. Oh my God, I thought you were an uptight redneck traveling to see the world in hopes of find meaning in life! and as she cocked her hip to the side I sized her up. Strawberry blonde, petite, intentionally selected random fashion patterns - purple pumps, green checked bra, black tights patterned with yellow lightening bolts, a red picnic table cloth strung over her shoulders and blotched black fishnet stockings. Well educated, well groomed, hates authority, loves shock, confident to a flaw, and probably abused in some permanent way. Thats the only way such predominate traits end up walking around Washington DC late at night. My hypothesis. As always, my mind is racing towards some sort of conclusion ............ She carried a hat in her hand too. Maybe some type of military hat, but I wasn’t sure. “ Hey John, please take our bags inside.” she asked the driver. About the same time the door opened and I heard ” Come on in, are you T. Vickery?” “Yes, I replied” and lunged through the door. Lucy’s driver slung her luggage through the door and she followed me inside. “Hey. I am with her, do we have a bunk?” she belted. “I sure hope so, we are tired as hell!” I laughed. At this point all I could do was laugh. Then she whispered in my ear “ I have a Bible, coke (cocaine) and a bottle of Vodka in my bag. The holy trinity. Let’s be naughty and nice? My mind was racing .... I respected the Bible, I tired Coke and loved it - enough to hate it, yet my true nemesis was VODKA !! I had been dry for 37 days ..........the longest in my life ..... why am I in this situation? ......... After waking up the next day I understood.
Posted on: Fri, 05 Dec 2014 23:17:29 +0000

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